Showing Posts For Boulder.3589:

5:11:3:159:101 in Diessa Plateau

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boulder.3589


Working for me now too. I got put onto server IP instead of the broken one.

(edited by Boulder.3589)

5:11:3:159:101 in Diessa Plateau

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boulder.3589


quick question for those with -maploadinfo command on, is the IP you’re getting on .119:0?

Yup it is. IP seems to be the problem. Guesting may put you into a different server and this has solved the issue for some people but it has not worked for me since it keeps putting me on anyways.

Server is unreachable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Boulder.3589


I’m having the same issue with Diessa Pleateau with IP One of my characters is stuck there and cannot log in. All other characters can log in but cannot get into Diessa Pleateau. Divinity’s reach is working fine for me because it’s not on

Guesting has not worked for me yet since it puts me on the server anyways.

I’m on EU, Blacktide

5:11:3:159:101 in Diessa Plateau

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boulder.3589


I’m getting error code 5:11:3:159:101 when trying to get into Diessa Plateau either by waypoint or walking in from adjacent zones. One of my characters is currently in Diessa Plateau and I cannot log in on that character because of this.

Started happening after updating to the new build this morning (around 5am GMT?). The last thing I did before updating was log out on my character that was in Diessa Plateau.

And with the -maploadinfo command, I see I’m stuck in STATE_SERVER_WAIT when loading Diessa Plateau, none of the numbers changing with the exception of time elapsed which ticks up normally.

If anyone knows a know fix or workaround, I’d greatly appreciate it.

(edited by Boulder.3589)

HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boulder.3589


I’m enjoying the expansion content. I think Anet did an awesome job, except I’m also really bummed that I can’t enjoy this content on the new spec. I’m just trying not to think about the elite spec for now and just enjoy the new content on my existing spec. But this whole experinece could have been so much better. What a missed opportunity.

Honestly about elite specs...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boulder.3589


I’m with OP on this. I don’t want to be handed the elite spec for free, I want to earn it, but then I would like to have HoT stuff left to do with the new spec. If the hero spec unlock was gonna be this lenghty they should have made a pre release phase where you grind for these points in like a prologue type thing before release. That way you would’ve earned the hero spec but you can do new content using new spec. I feel like I’m wasting the new content by doing it in old spec. Like watching a pirated hand held cam version of an epic movie before watching it on the big screen.

Anyways on the plus side, seems you only have to level masteries on the first char, then subsequent characters just have to do Maguma hero points to unlock hero spec because masteries are account wide.