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Latency on GW2 side on logging in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bouldertech.4165


Same on Ferguson’s Crossing. Skill Lag makes it unplayable and TP is almost unusable.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bouldertech.4165


I picked FC server due to the low population. I like the areas to be more sparsely populated where my Guild and I can do our own things. I have transferred to a higher pop server for a few months, but lost the sense of community that the lower pop servers had. So I transferred back to FC. I find the peeps on the lower pop servers tend to like it that way. People on our server at first complained that there were not enough ppl to do things on certain maps. Those ppl mostly ended up transfering to higher pop servers. So our community is well known to each other and we have overcome most of our problems with being a low pop server. The purpose to me of having a bunch of different servers was so people could have a lot of choices as to their play style. Whether it was RP, trying to solo tough content, or massive zerg playing with tons of people.

Mike O’Brien stated in the GW2 Manifesto:

“With traditional MMOs you can choose to solo or you can find a good guild or party to play with. With GW2 there’s a third option too: you can just naturally play with all the people around you.”

The megaserver seems to have forgotten the solo, guild and party options and concentrates on the new third option. People have different ways they want to experience GW2. The megaserver has taken a lot of that choice away now. Hopefully, someway, the devs will find a way to lets us play GW2 the way each of us wants to experience it no matter what your playstyle or population requirements.

Thoughts on megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bouldertech.4165


Totally agree SniffyCube. My guild picked Ferguson’s Crossing because it was a low pop server. We could immerse ourselves in PVE gameplay and enjoy our time. Now it seems wherever we go there are tons of ppl everywhere. Every map looks like a busy city instead of the wilderness it is suppose to represent. If I had a choice between megaserver and my own server’s individual instance that would be GREAT! The megaserver has its perks and if we needed to we could log in to it to get with bigger groups. But otherwise we would stay on our low pop server. Come on Anet, anything would help, as my entire guild is telling me now that this isn’t as fun anymore since this patch. Give us the ability to switch between megaserver and home server.