Showing Posts For Brandermau.7094:

Dragon Ball auto-balance [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brandermau.7094


Perhaps it’s out of minor frustration that I am making this post in the first place, but I couldn’t find anyone else commenting about this. I don’t understand why Dragon Ball does not have a leaving penalty or why it has this ‘auto balancing’ feature enabled. Far too many times have I been on the winning side of a match when suddenly the auto balance kicks in because the losing team has hemorrhaged players and I am kicked onto the losing side. Of course, this doesn’t encourage people to keep playing, they just ditch the losing side like those before them because there is no leave penalty, it’s a vicious cycle.

This game encourages teams to work together efficiently and effectively to win like any pvp. If a team is well coordinated and effective, none of those players should have to be kicked onto a losing team because none of the people on the other side could be bothered to stick it out and finish a match. Perhaps there is no golden solution to this problem, but what is currently in place does not make sense.

Given that this event is rather minor, as well as the game type, I imagine Anet really does not care much about Dragon Ball. I find it unfortunate since I do find Dragon Ball to be a nice little break from other content and in general I like the GW2 holiday events. Like other mini games before it however, I suspect it will be overlooked. Maybe just allow players to purchase more of those darn lucky envelopes in a day instead of making them grind out a broken mini game to earn a redemption token.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brandermau.7094


Playing on my reaper, with a greatsword equipped. I notice that for some unknown reason after I exit from an activity instance, such as Crab Toss my greatsword gets unequipped and placed in my inventory. This also happened when I exited from Mad Kings Clocktower during the halloween event this year. Seems to only do this after I have exited an activity. Not sure if this has happened with other players or if this is just a strange case.