Showing Posts For Brasco.1590:

Why Orb Removal Will be Very Bad for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brasco.1590


While I agree in theory the Orbs are a great game mechanic to fight over and protect that adds to the flavor of WvW however….

As it stood hacking aside I did not like the fact that they only seemed to benefit the best team or the team that has better coverage and could take it uncontested or least by heavy numbers and then fortify that keep.

Either way it created more of a gap from the best team and worst team in a matchup and thats just not a good thing.

It will be interesting to see how BL’s play out now, but I spent most of my time in BL’s I actually find Eternal to be much more of a stalemate in my experiences with only real prize being SM and most times you aren’t bothering to take it if you dont have it.
Other times you may make a push on someones borders in Eternal but more times then not they are taken back before the 15 min tick is even up unless you end up outnumbering another server by alot and take most of what they got if not all.

Orbs or some other mechanic will need to come back in some form to keep things fresh or least not have a step back in terms of gameplay and tactical play. But they need to offer some other kind of bonuses or limited buff for each additional orb something anyway.

The outmanned buff also needs changing and they should make it into something like orb bonuses with HP and stats or something. We need balanced fights more then anything.

(edited by Brasco.1590)

Free World Transfers: Limited to Once Every 7 Days

in WvW

Posted by: Brasco.1590


Well this mostly solves the problem of teams your facing sending in spies/trolls of servers you are currently facing so that is some good news.

But doesn’t solve servers being deserted if huge guilds keep deciding to up and leave when they feel like it each week which is about how often it happened anyway.

For me I just like a good battle I was on SoR and enjoyed some really good matchups then this week its been a blowout so I enjoyed being able to switch off for the week to a good battle.

And now I will be stuck on a server all week in a crappy battle under the new 7 day transfers. Granted maybe this will make servers that are losing have more fight instead of transferring themselves we’ll see I guess.

Still theres too many imbalances and issues with WvW atm that they need to work on…
Orbs – needs alot of work to not make it so that this is nothing more then the best server having more of a advantage.

Outmanned buff – seriously needs a good useful buff

Rendering issues – enough said we all know

Turtling – broken game mechanics

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Brasco.1590


Ya I was there for that failed Golem rush on our orb at bay, was pretty funny I could see them hanging back and had a pretty good idea they would try to portal them over to NW gate and sure enough did called it out right away and we were on the gate.

Of course it really helped they didnt clear the oil they were hoping to tear the gate down quick enough I guess but they didnt get the gate down to less then 40%.

On another note on SoR borderlands at our citadel there are 20 people botting at our waypoint clogging up space and creating a long que while SoS has orb there and taking our Garrison ( hmmm ) cause we are outnumbered because of that.

If thats how WvW is gonna be now then this game will die quickly.

Do Botters sell sabotage services in WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: Brasco.1590


Interesting you brought this topic up because on Sanctum of Rall tonight on our own borderlands map there have been over 20+ people at citadel just spamming abilities this was for over the course of a hour while I was there and I am sure went on longer.

There was a que over over 30 minutes to get while we were losing our Garrison and everything because we lacked actually people playing.

If this is how low other servers will really go to win a WvWvW match then that is just really sad to know.

I had never seen this before tonight but it was quite 100% clear this was intentional!

Something needs to be done.