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Haven't Played Recently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I haven’t played GW2 in about two weeks or so, I logged on to see what the “Event” was about…..

Fixing signs? Lighting campfires? Is that what it’s about?

Just curious if there is more to it than that, will there be more? Just trying to justify running around fixing signs and what is the ultimate goal.

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Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


The Cattlepult is not working, it’s been quite a few days now like this. Would be nice to be able to get the vista so I can move on from this map exploration.

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Personal Story - What the Eye Beholds [73]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Well I’m on the airship, I just killed grubs….Trahearne said he was going to make the invisible risen visible so I can kill them and not take them with us. But…….nothing. I’m running around the ship and there is not a single solitary Risen to fight.

“Kill the revealed Risen”

I’ve already restarted the instance twice now, and still same thing.

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Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I just added the authenticator to my account, I have the app on my iPhone and I see the changing number. However…….I’ve logged into my account both here on the forums and the game and nothing is asking me to input this number.

What exactly is this supposed to do again? And where am I entering this random number? I see nowhere. I can log into the game just as before….

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What the Orr.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Then I apologize for missing the sarcasm, as the annoyance level I have right now with Orr is causing verbal backlash on my part. It’s a bit absurd in this zone.

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What the Orr.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Has nothing to do with “endgame” genius. It’s about being able to even get things done ….nothing about the temples is designed for solo play. The point is no one is around to even retake them.

That’s the gripe. Either needs a nerf or a reason to bring others back.

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What the Orr.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Any future plans to do something about this zone? Orr…..hardly anyone there, mobs out the ying yang….can’t reach any point without struggling.

Temples? Exotic armors? Good luck…..It’s like defending Helms deep by yourself.

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Faction Vs. Karma Armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I’m still learning about gear here in GW2 so my question is…..I just hit level 80 and I have a TON of karma saved up. Didn’t spend a single point while leveling.

I have found my faction armor vendor (Order of Whispers) where I can buy the faction armor for gold coins.

What about the Karma armor vendors I hear about?

What is better, should I spend the gold on the faction armor or the karma at the karma vendors?

Also, where are the karma vendors located for level 80?

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Downtime and Primetime

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


My gripe isn’t that there is maintenance during these times, my gripe is that there is a seriously lack of attention to letting players know what is going on. Whether it be on the initial log-in browser or on the website.

Reading over the forums last night as people tried to log in they were getting an error that pointed that there may be some sort of problem with their connection, firewall or perhaps they are a student and their school is blocking them. And I’m sure quite a few were worried that they were somehow hacked, causing panic.

This error caused many people to try and troubleshoot their own computer devices, applications…etc.

I would highly suggest that in the future Anet at least post a small note SOMEWHERE letting players know what is going on. And posting a message IN GAME isn’t a viable solution for those of us just sitting down to play and trying to log in.

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(edited by Brassbolt.7164)

Error attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Why am I still getting this error when I try to sell things on the trading post?

Has there been any acknowledgement from Anet regarding this? It’s extremely/highly annoying.

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Hall of Monuments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I tried to search my character name but it cannot find it, gives me an error.

However my fiance character name pulls right up and I’ve been playing a lot longer than she has lol.

What’s the deal?

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Error attempting to sell [merged threads]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Error attempting to sell

Error attempting to sell

Error attempting to sell

Error attempting to sell

Error attempting to sell

See how annoying that is? For a solid week now every other time I try to sell something on the Trading post I get this. I restart the game, I click on other things, re-open the trading post UI. Eventually it’ll work.

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Karma Collecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


As a fairly new player, I am level 52…almost level 53 and haven’t spent a single solitary Karma token yet. I currently have 49,981 of them.

My question is, I know that there are vendors in various locations that I can buy things from with Karma. However I don’t see a need to?

What exactly should I be saving these for?

What should I spend them on?

I use what I find in dungeons and from killing things so far.

So what do you suggest?

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Would be cool....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Would be cool and quite nifty of you Anet if you offered those of us that have had standard accounts some way to upgrade for half the current gem cost to the deluxe version. (In light of the Black Friday Offer)

Currently if we want to upgrade we’re spending (if we use a CC and not gold in game) quite a bit more to purchase the gems just to get the upgrade.

At least offer the upgrade at 20% off or something so we don’t have to spend $30 just to upgrade (gems). Might as well just fork over another $59 right now to buy a whole new account lol.

Anyway, it is what it is, this is solely my opinion. I do not voice this for or on behalf of anyone else. A month from now it will water under the bridge, for now, it’s just the principle of the matter. shrugs

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Bandithaunt Caverns FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


For whatever reason, in the Bandithaunt Caverns my FPS dramatically drops and so does my fiance’ on her PC.

EVERYWHERE else we both get around 80-115fps on almost max settings. It only happens in this particular cavern and nothing epic is even going on here.

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Upgrading Additonal Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


My fiance took advantage of the free play last weekend, trying to get her into the game. The free weekend is over of course and a couple of things we need to know how to get done:

#1. Her account is not active since it was a free trial and that trial is over, we logged into her account and don’t see anywhere to apply a retail key code. Where do we do this since technically she already has an account, it’s just not fully active.

#2. The email address/account that she registered with is no longer active, as in the ISP is no longer being used and she cannot even log into the email account. I read that we can contact customer account support provided that we have the retail key and other various pieces of information. However, we can no longer access that email account to get any information from the initial trial email. What should we do?

(I’m assuming even if we purchase the digital version any present and future emails that may or may not contain an activation code will go to this email address that she no longer has access to) This is why I ask.

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(edited by Brassbolt.7164)

Trading Post Text

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Excellent, now I understand. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me or my video card!

Thanks! I’ve had video drivers that cause text to get all funky before so wasn’t sure.

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Trading Post Text

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I’m not sure if this can be considered a bug or a tech support issue……so I’ll post here.

Let me preface this by saying that the text throughout the entire rest of the game world is perfectly fine. However, ever since day 1 when I started playing the text in the trading post has been a bit blurry, off kilter, some numbers and letters are seemingly cut off. It’s not as clear and crisp as all other text in the game.

Anyone else experience this?

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Purchasing Digitally For Someone

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164



My question is in regards to purchasing the digital version of GW2 for my fiance, I myself already have the boxed copy/disk version I purchased at our local game store.

However to save me a trip to the store am I able to install GW2 to her computer using my disk version and then purchase the digital upgrade to apply to her account? Since essentially all that is needed is a game key code?

Hope this makes sense, basically I’m just trying to eliminate the having to download the essential game files. Not talking about patches.


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Dungeons and Me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Hi folks,

Fairly new GW2 player here…..I’m currently level 31 and was wondering if anyone could explain how dungeons work here in GW2?

Where are they?
What are they?
How do I access them? Is there a dungeon finder?

What ever information you can provide I’d appreciate it!

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Unable to highlight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I’m not sure if this is an isolated indecent or perhaps just some option that has somehow disabled itself. However, for whatever reason I can’t seem to highlight any npcs or creatures from a distance to see who or what they are. I have to literally run up to them and stand on them.

You know how when you mouse over an npc or creature you get that little green or red outline around them? Well I don’t get that. It didn’t used to be like this, I haven’t changed ANY setting at all.

Want to be able to mouse over something/someone from a small distance without having to run alllllllll the way up to them.

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Seeking an active guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I am a week into GW2 and I am seeking an ACTIVE guild on Tarnished Coast. By active I mean more than 6 people online at any given time and that actually do things together as a guild.

I am not looking just to add to the ranks for the sake of joining you. I want progression without the hardcore aspect.

I will not fill out an application. I already have a full time job.

I only use vent or TS if it is seriously needed.

I am a serious gamer, I have been gaming for well over 20 years.

I am over the age of 30.

Not really into PVP, more of a PVE content guy.

If you are reading this please do not just send me random invites to your guild, send me some mail or something letting me know about yourself/guild.

Looking ultimately for laid back place to hang out, first sign of drama I can assure you I’m out, I will quit guild without question. Games are for fun, not arguing over pixels about stupid things that won’t even matter 20 minutes from now.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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(edited by Brassbolt.7164)

[Possible Bug] The Kodan Claw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I am to revive three refugees and escort them. However I revived two of them and the third was already up and moving around.

Unless the third is elsewhere, I’ve searched and searched. But it is still showing that I need to revive one more.

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Currently Installing GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Excellent, thanks for the information! I still have about 65k files to download lol see you all in game soon.

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Currently Installing GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


As far as I know the races don’t have any advantages over each other. It all depends on your preference! That’s the beautiful thing about GW2, it’s your choice you form the game to your style.

As far as tips…this:

I appreciate it! I haven’t gotten to character creation yet, still downloading files….but servers, I live on EST so are there any servers that are EST or does it matter at all?

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Currently Installing GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


I am currently installing Guild Wars 2 as I type this, my question for current players is what advice do you have to bestow upon a new player?

Anything to look out for? Anything I should or should not do in game? (I am not referring to anything in the rules) I’m speaking about gameplay.

Any race or server better than another?

Anything you can fill me in on I’d appreciate it!


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