Showing Posts For Brat.4315:

Breaking Guild Auras in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brat.4315


Bumping for visibility.

Still not fixed, it’s been at least 2 weeks since it broke. Guilds have spent a lot time, effort and a ton of money to be able to use these. It’s discouraging when something we love to play (WvW) is over looked and put on the back shelf.

Breaking Guild Auras in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brat.4315


Nother bump to keep this on top.

Still not fixed.

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brat.4315


Name: Excuse Me While I Call My [Zerg]
Gameplay Choice: WvW
Server: Ehmry Bay (required to join)
Language: English
Active Time: EU/NA
Contacts: Brat.4315, Xenesis.6389 , blake.1923

About us

Zerg was founded in August 2014 on the Sea of Sorrows server, and moved to Ehmry Bay in June 2015. Many of our members were from a former zerg busting guild on SoS, while the founding members have been playing together since Guildwars 1. All in all most of our members have been playing together for more than 1.5 years.

What we do

Zerg is a small WvW guild focused on roaming, defending, and havoc. Most of the day you will find our members out roaming or in small groups, helping the server defend, siege, upgrade, and recapture objectives. Our havoc play revolves around de-sieging, draining supplies, and taking enemy upgraded objectives, including T3 towers and keeps, or harassing the enemy enough to force them to call in their bigger groups to relieve pressure on other maps.

What we are looking for

Zerg is looking for players who enjoy small group fights, and perhaps has an interest in the art of defense. We are open to any classes, but what we would like to find, is players who are motivated to playing their classes well in small group settings. This includes at minimum, looking into the latest meta builds and running or improving on them according to your play style, If you are having success on a non meta build that’s ok as well.

What is Required

1. If you are going to run in our raids, then you are encouraged to join us on TeamSpeak. You are not required to talk, but you will need to listen for commands and information which is important for small group play. Guild rep required when you are running in our raid.

2. You are not to attack any gates, sentries, or dolyaks on any runs to sneak attack a structure, unless the commander gives the ok. The reason for this is we rely on delaying in making our presence known to the enemy, that also means not leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the enemy to follow. Our success comes down to having discipline.

3. Ok one more, carry disablers. :P

Hours of Operation

Starting from around 12PM EST you can find members online, from 5PM EST onward to 11PM EST is our main raiding period, where we field havoc groups of 5-10 players. Most of us play every day.

Thank you from all of us [Zerg]lings


randomly being accused of hacking in T4

in WvW

Posted by: Brat.4315


Have any proof of this or evidence of any kind?

I could give proof of the person calling many many people hackers, cussing them and telling them to enjoy your ban. But that would be an infraction. And I in-turn would be banned and this thread locked. As far as anet’s response to the guy who got banned, wasn’t me so I can’t give that proof.

randomly being accused of hacking in T4

in WvW

Posted by: Brat.4315


Yes, this has happened many times from one guy on HoD. You kill him, you take his keeps and he whispers you with harassing words, accuses you of hacks and says ‘enjoy your ban’.

Most recent was a few days ago to which he got players from his server to report 1 person for hacking. And Anet’s response was ’ 25 reports of hacking in a short amount of time’ therefore this person (who it is their 1st offense) got a ban of 168 hours. He then sent in tickets to Anet and they will not lift his ban. So a few people sent in tickets to report the HoD player for harassment and false accusations and were told they no longer handle this type of complaint to use the ingame report system. The ingame report system as everyone knows has few options and no where to explain what has happened. I think anet needs to look into this guy’s chat logs but they won’t as they ’ no longer’ handle this type of ticket thru mail. Ridiculous.

(edited by Brat.4315)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brat.4315


Voices are still carrying across maps in the borderlands.

The guild chat erases itself when you tab to another chat.

In the upgrade panel it is showing only 1 upgrade going at a time instead of the normal two.

The report a bug panel is still showing random numbers in the drop down menu.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brat.4315


Voices carry across map in the borderlands.
Report a bug in the interface/drop down menus show random (numbers)

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brat.4315


^ What they said.

Join us and see for yourself.

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brat.4315


Bumping cause this server is the best!

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brat.4315


I have been on SoS since almost day 1 beta. I was into PvE for about year until I found WvW and the community here opened their arms right up to me and made me feel right at home. Now you can’t get me out of WvW. Come join us and have some fun!

please delete

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brat.4315


I’ve been in [EPIC] for some time now, and it’s one of the most fun guilds I have been in. Everyone is super friendly. We do daily raids. Our TS convo’s are hilarious! Come join us for some good times!