Showing Posts For Brisingr.6127:

WvW Poll 18 July: Cannon Blueprints (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


It was nice playing the game with all of you… Now what game to play..

OnS Commander

Load Screen Bug(WvW)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Before I get into the specifics of this bug I would like to state when this issue first arose. We (my guild mates and I) first noticed this issue a little after the May 3rd patch. This patch reintroduced the Alpine Borderlands. We’ve dubbed this the ‘Load Screen’ bug for reasons I will get into later.

There are many side effects of this bug and I will go over each one. These side effects also come in a sort of chronological order. I will state these effects starting from 1. Some effects may be under the same number, this means they occur around the same time. I have also included videos to help you understand what the problem is.

1. Your weapon disappears: Your weapon, no matter the type, will become invisible. Also not allowing you to see the weapon animations
2. Character model quality: Enemies and allies will begin to show as the base model with the server color (green/blue/red).
Animations disappearing: All weapon, utility anitmations will now disappear. Enemy, friendly, and your own.
3. Character will disappear: Your character will disappear, and it may be hard to judge where you are.
NPC’s Disappearing: All NPCs disappear. The name of the NPC sometimes does not properly display where the NPC is.
4. Inability to Jump: When your character is invisible, very rarely can you not jump.
5. Mist: This only happened twice and was very odd (actually made me laugh).

Once you receive any of these effects, you will also have the increased load time which is a 3-5minute increase. The bug resets upon switching maps, leaving WvW, or relogging. It seems this bug affects certain players consistently (every day or every other day), affects a player once or twice then never does again, or never affects a player. It is not map specific or class specific.

On a side note, I’m not sure if this is the same bug or a different one. Whenever I am commanding and get moa’d my character goes invisible and I cannot jump. When I am moa’d again after this I return to normal after the moa duration is over. I know it happens to other commanders as well.


OnS Commander

Game is stuck in 3D mode it seems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Yeah I just updated my nvidia drivers and restarted, seemed to fix it. Thanks for the help though!

OnS Commander

Game is stuck in 3D mode it seems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Hello o/

I logged in just now to see that my game was in 3D mode. All my current settings were reset to default as well (not the issue though).
See here:

I asked around and people said it was a setting called “enable stereoscopic rendering” Currently that box is grayed out and not checked. I also do not have a 3D monitor.
See here:

I’m at lost as to how to fix this and the game is currently unplayable for me. My eyes bleed whenever I look at the screen.
Any help or insight will be appreciated, thanks!

OnS Commander

Warrior Adrenaline - Out Of Combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Please put this back into the game Anet, you already butchered it for no reason(BibleThump).

OnS Commander

Elementalists Specializations/Trait Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Just step back and look. I’d say 50-60% of devs/GMs are Rangers….and rangers got buffed to the point there they press#2 and win. NO devs play Ele and clearly don’t kittening understand how DEVASTATING THIS IS and how many eles are going to STOP playing ele.

P.S. This will probably get removed bc ANet forum admins are kittens and they delete every post that points out where Anet is wrong and why(bc its the kittening truth and Anet doesn’t like to be proven wrong) GG Anet GG.

OnS Commander

Seige dropped in "Seige Locked" areas.

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Tarnished Coast apparently was able to drop a superior trebuchet in a location that is Seige locked. They then proceeded to build it(in the seige locked zone) and fire upon the tower+bring the wall down. We were unable to kill the treb with our counter, due to the citadel invulnerability.

You can see the Seige locked buff upon the player manning the treb i clicked on, as well as the invulnerability.

Anet, may you please fix this exploit? Thank you for reading and possibly fixing this !!


OnS Commander

GW2 Screen Freezes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


This is my rig that I use:
Its an ASUS Essentio CM6870:
-3rd gen intel core i7-3770 3.40GHz processor
-16GB DDR3 memory (which is RAM I believe)
-2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 620 graphics card
-802.11 b/g/n Wireless Networking (although I don’t think this is the problem)
-Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

I also have downloaded the NVIDIA GeForce Driver: 320.18
This I believe is the problem because it has recognized and optimized every game I have installed on this computer EXCEPT for Guild Wars 2. Since the settings are not optimized, I think this is causing the GW2 screen freezes

When the screen freeze happens, I cannot alt tab, ctrl-alt-delete either. I have to manually turn of my computer then turn it back on. This has been happening since the beginning of January, a few days after I bought the game. The screen freezes have been happening a lot more frequently since then on a constant basis. I posted this now because my game just froze once, I logged back in and within a minute it froze again. The freezing has become unbearable and if there is any ANet tech support, or other people that can help me, that would be greatly appreciated .

OnS Commander

WvW Wants and Dreams

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


As of RIGHT now SoR is attacking Hills in SoRBL( BG holds it) and SoR is zoom hacking to be able to kill our Acs on their ACs. Our ACs were in a position where you could NEVER normally see them, but SoR was able to kill our ACs with zoom hacks. Not all of SoR does it just like 1 or 2 ppl

OnS Commander

SoR v BG v JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


There have been some AWESOME fights between these servers,a nd i noticed there hasn’t been a thread for this matchup so i decided to create one so we could discuss fights and how everyone is. Please post your opinions and don’t attack anyone or any server <3


OnS Commander

Devon and the update

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


You guys are doing great with the game! Updates may be slow at time and controversial, but at the same time, its not static, and is good, Good Job developers!!

OnS Commander

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


I rephrase JQ, 5-6 portal fails…./laugh

OnS Commander

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


Hey, BG here, SoR and JQ, you guys should seriously stop fliping around inside JQBL Hills.. You wo are double teaming us and we ARE WINNING! We are just farming you guys for your bags, we’ve already wiped both of you, and you come back to give us more bags!! JQ, nice try with 4 portal bombs= it didn’t work—-> only way you can get in though(laughs) GL some other time……/beckon

OnS Commander

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


The thing i hate the MOST: is when JQ is complaining that they are getting double teamed, and poor them. When BlackGate was consistantly double-teamed for weeks on end and we stayed in T1. =) jade Quarry, what happened? Legit, it seriously looks like you have been broken and will go down to T2 unless you step up your game.

OnS Commander

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


I have noticed on this latest reset night, tonight(5-3-13) that Sanctum of Rall(SoR) has been using and abusing zoom hacks. SoR will build Arrow Carts(ACs) in the courtyard on a Tower/Keep. We(BlackGate server, BG) will kill those ACs on the wall with extreme ease, but they decide to zoom hack and place ACs on the courtyard floor(NOT on the wall,supply hut, throne room, etc.). Therefore they can now extend their zoom, and since ACs do not require line of sight, they are able to hit us and Jade Quarry(JQ) where where they normally would not be able to, due to the regular, STANDARD lin of sight restrictions.
I am not saying that JQ or even my own server, BG, does not do it. I’m sure there is that one person who “thinks” they are helping the server by hacking, but actually aren’t. I have just noticed that SoR have been using it.
With the extension of range( the first upgrade for 5 WvW Skill Points) it slightly encourages the ones who are able to hack, actually hack and increase zoom. Myself and others, I am sure, will GREATLY appreciate it if you could somehow fix these hacks or make it more difficult to do so. Or create an algorithm that can decipher who is using zoom hacks and who is not.
I understand that it may be a while until this happens, but it will make WvWvW more stable, clean, more fun and an overall better gaming experience.
Thank you very much,

OnS Commander

Frost Bow Spawning problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brisingr.6127


I’m not sure how often this happens, but when in battle(elementalist) i spawn in the frost bow, but it does not appear, and there is still the cooldown as if i spawned it. I have only noticed this in the fire element and am not sure if it is happening in the other elements.

It would be greatly appreciated if this was fixed. =)

OnS Commander