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FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Britobi.3479


I purchase $20 worth of gems (1600). The gems showed up successfully after purchase, and each time I confirmed purchases, it subtracted the correct amount from my total. However, I have not received any store items in the game mail at all today (9/23) for my purchases. The 4 items I purchased do show up in my purchase history (2 packs of BL keys, 1 pack mini pets, and 1 dye pack), but no items have been sent.

As a side note/bug report, this all started when my buddy and I both tried purchasing $10 worth of gems (which we have done several times on previous days), and it wouldn’t let us. However, when we both tried the $20 option with the same method of payment (credit card), it went through just fine. Very curious.

It’s just frustrating to not know when it’s safe to use the BLTradingCo and when it’s bugged out. I hope I’m able to get my missing purchases soon. Thank you! #120923-004381