Showing Posts For BronxBrew.8743:

Best staff skins

in Necromancer

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


I have both death wish and pact staff. I prefer the pact staff more. You don’t see it as often as death wish . It also has a glow effect. I wish DW had some kind of effect.

Any News on the Ranger Pet being Fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Not being able to stow pets is not that big of an issue for me. My isses with the pets are:
Animation speed before going to the target
Pets not hitting a moving target.

At least there working on them.

Is our AoE about to ne nerfed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Just like how they fixed the Rangers animation only to get a 8% nerf to our only build. I’ve since then rolled a Necro to 80. I’m sure the hammer is going to fall on us. We have to many options.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


I’m a condition spec Ranger. I have both sb & lb along with axe and wh. Would be interested to see what you guys use in them .

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Are hard core players upset because they cant play there way to skins ? Nor buy there way ?

A lvl 10 has just as much chance as anyone else lol.

Bow skins ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Is there event bow skins ?

Time to play the "insert class here."

in Necromancer

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


My lvl 25 Necro blows my maxed 80 Ranger out of the water !

Ok im confused.....

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


GuildWarriors 2

Maybe we should protest in there twitter account lol.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


I think that we were left out because Anet is embarassed by us!

We called them out over their deceptive update notes of 7th Oct. and refused to just take what we were given and comply like good little players. We have dared to question their integrity and have been too vocal in expressing our opinions.

Nobody likes to be caught out in public. Anet are no different.

So true

A Constructive list of ranger fixes and suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Make targetable traps have a longer cast range like Necros
Obstruction and arrow spped to target.
Pets need a complete rebuild.

Armor Skins in the Gem-store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Just transmute the armor. Seems simple enough.

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Started using this build last night. I really like it and it fits my play style. It will take some getting used too with switching out everything.

Question on major traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


With my build and play style. I can change my major traits to fit what I’m doing. Is this intended or supposed to be set and forget . If it is intended it would be nice to have a couple hot keys in the trait panel that we could bind different trait allocations to. Of course while out of combat. Going from offense to defense , siege etc gets tedious .

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


How do you deal with the speed of combat and taking the time to swap out traits ?

Bank space ??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Ive glanced at the BL but didnt see anything reguarding bank space option ? Is it avalible ?