Showing Highly Rated Posts By BrunoBRS.5178:

How about Dominion of Winds?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


the funny thing about that dominion gate on LA is that it makes no sense.

looking at maps of tyria, the only landmass on what you could consider the dominion of winds is south of kessex/east of caledon. there’s a whole sea’s worth of nothing but water separating that area and lion’s arch.

what’s more, the maps provided by the novels (including sea of sorrows, which was released post-launch) confirm that the dominion should not go as far as lion’s arch. add the fact that there’s nothing that looks like a wall behind the wizard’s tower on garrenhoff (indicating the dominion doesn’t even go that far) and you have pretty solid evidence that whatever that gate is, it’s not tied to the dominion of winds. at best it might be a small trading post walled off from non-tengu.

so yeah, i have no idea why that gate is there, but it shouldn’t be the dominion of winds.

The city of the Tengu is a floating island. It can be wherever they want it to be.
Look at the in game map again. As long as you have all the zones completed you’ll see that the Tengu starter zone is standing right along side Caledon with the outline of a city zone right next to LA.

umm… no it’s not? look at the map. the dominion is walled off and definitely grounded. there’s nothing that says it’s a floating island.

if it was a floating island, they wouldn’t need walls to begin with. they’d just fly somewhere people couldn’t get in.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

dragon painting in scarlet's lair

in Lore

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


Yep, those curly head patterns do look like a match. Another similarity, is the lack of hind legs. The cave painting seems to show no lower body, and neither does that concept art.

though the one thing we are absolutely certain about scarlet’s dragon thing is that it’s, well, red. it’s been a recurring theme since she was revealed. even her name change reflects it.

and there are hundreds of dragon concept art made by ANet, most of them will either never be made into an in-game enemy, or won’t look very similar to the art itself (hell, look at the new tequatl art. they slapped a T-rex face on him).

as for the comparison, the only one i see is the swirls on the face. the jungle dragon art has clearly 4 legs and a proper torso, the painting has no front legs and the torso seems to be very bony, like a ribcage with no flesh. and anything under the torso, save for the legs, is too messy to draw any conclusions.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

"It doesn't care that I'm there"

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


I remember a part of ANet’s MMO manifesto where Ree talks about how other MMOs don’t care about your actions, and how in GW2, the NPCs would remember the player for their actions.

a few years later, cue Flame and Frost, more specifically the Lost and Found achievement. now i find this mechanic to be quite nice, aiding NPCs to find their lost belongings, but here’s the thing: the NPC doesn’t even remember that you did it. you talk to them again once you deliver the item, and instead of making any mention that you’ve already delivered the item, it repeats the same text from before, asking you to find an item you can’t even pick up anymore because you’ve already delivered it.

would it be hard to give NPCs whose belongings you’ve returned a different dialogue expressing their thanks or something? just anything that represents that the NPC remembers that yes, they have the item they lost now, and it’s this adventurer standing right in front of them that got it back. it would make it much more rewarding on a story perspective, and it doesn’t sound like a hard thing to do (after all, you already have a system that prevents you from picking an item you’ve already delivered, the same system could be used to determine which dialogue you get).

it just feels like a huge wasted opportunity, that the so called “living story” can’t even be bothered to acknowledge that the player just did something to change the life of that NPC.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell