Showing Posts For Bukkakka.9783:
So I was trying to get a couple of exotic pieces from Orr with karma and thing that I need only comes from the vendors at the temples. But every single time I try to go to the temple they are always, ALWAYS, closed.. Does no one do anything in Orr anymore? What’s the point it hanging such a huge area to explore if no one is ever on the map? I don’t get it honestly. Is it because of the Clockwork events or is Orr just an ‘outdated’ place to be?
Thanks for replies!
I hope they just make the ascended gear different looking and not better stats like the trinkets (exotic vs. ascended). If you think about it, it will only make the casual gamer’s (there are more casual gamer’s than hardcore gamer’s) not want to play anymore because they will never be able to keep up with the players who play every hour on the hour to get the new ascended gear. I’m not saying that Guild Wars 2 will lose players because of an update, but it definitely will discourage the casual gamer, that’s all.. I myself just spent a week getting my exotic gear transmuted to Tier 3 Armor which we all know cost a pretty penny. I simply can’t put my life on hold for the game which will most likely discourage me from playing. So again, I honestly hope they don’t make the stats way better or like the ascended trinkets, but more of a cosmetic feature.
Hi everyone,
So I was either looking at changing the look of my greatsword to sort of match my armor. I recently got full Tier 3 Norn Cultural armor and my dye’s are blue ice (basically a really nice looking white) and midnight blue combo. I was looking at Cobalt online and saw how it has a very awesome blue aurora effect around it so I was wondering how much that actually goes for in the TP. You may be asking why I don’t just look at it in TP in game but I can’t atm because I’m not home for the weekend and I’m very impatient. I was also looking at the crystal guardian gs and I see that this sword has a lot of stats on it and it looks awesome too. So what should I go with? Crystal Guardian or Cobalt? And how much are each of those?
Thanks for replies
Hi everyone,
As I’m not a veteran of GW2 I did hear a couple of people talk about farming in frostgorge? I actually don’t even have that area discovered yet so before I go there and spend time getting it discovered, I wanted to know if this area is the “go to” area for people nowadays for farming serious gold? A guild friend told me he got 40 gold in a day or so (6 to 7 hours) of farming. Is this possible? And is this the area? My character is level 80 and I haven’t had him level 80 for very long so most spots aren’t discovers yet and I’m still learning the game, but I wanted to know a good way to make some nice cash.
Thanks for anyone who replies!
So i bought a pair of Norn Tier 3 boots and I transmuted them to have different stats and when I put them on my norn they bottoms of them dont show a portion of the boot near the ankle. I’m not really sure why this is happening but ill post a picture to show everyone. In the picture I put circles around the areas its buggy and missing part of the boots. The underpart is my white pants not the boots.