Showing Posts For Bunni.9156:
Same here. EU
It doesn’t seem to be everyone in guild, but for me it’s been close to unplayable this week and only in gw2.
I enjoy seeing the finishers in PvE. I don’t think every mob should have them (then it’s just annoying busy work) but when some can, it makes for more interesting mob dynamics. Paying attention to who can rally and who will aid in ressing their downed friends helps to make things not quite as much of an aoe fest.
This hasn’t happened to me, but I do have a guild-mate that is consistently experiencing the exact same problem. Lag spikes were our only idea.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Bunni.9156
I see your point, but your extremes are too aggressive, this isn’t a Facebook game. Also your housewife comment is a bit offensive to women.
As a mom/housewife that just finished tribulation mode for world 1 (most fun I’ve had in game for ages) and did world 2 on normal yesterday I agree.
Yes world 2 was too big a difficulty jump from world 1. After doing world 1 I felt pretty much everyone should go try it. After doing world 2 I felt that everyone that loves the hard jumping puzzles, has a lot of time on their hands and can afford a an infinite continue coin should go try it. It’s just too complicated (navigation, density/intensity of skill checks per checkpoint) and time consuming (at least for a straight run from start to finish) but it sounds like that feedback has been listened to.
It’s still a heck of a lot of fun and I loved every single mechanic, just maybe not so many of them all crammed together. Huge kudos to Josh for pushing the game engine like this and giving us things that for better or worse people feel passionately about!
On Desolation a bit ago my husband had been working on Lyssa for maybe a half an hour before I called him in for dinner. We then ate, chatted, cleaned up and he still make it back before she died. Yeeeeah, scaling whatnow?
It seems like something funky is going on with the EU side of things but I don’t think it’s because you guys are on NA servers. EU players on EU servers are having all sorts of issues currently as well. I can see my friends list (all euro players) but the guild is bugged out for everyone I’ve talked to so far.
Same thing for everyone in guild that I’ve talked to.
Desolation: The Older Gamers
Just a bump for this as well. We failed a bounty last night because the first two times someone found Sotzz he reset before they could get it started, nobody tried to wait, we knew he despawned quickly so it’s not like they tried to put off triggering him. I understand not wanting him to be able to be held for an hour but please give us something like 5 minutes. Enough time for a solo scouting player to clear out the mobs that probably aggroed near the barrel and actually link a waypoint or poi for the rest of the group.
We also experienced having no rats spawn for Yanonka last week. I’m wondering if it’s related to the guild ui bug that we noticed was around for the zones that our Trek circles didn’t show up in.
Everyone loves the guild missions but the way the bounties currently work it’s such a gamble that we will probably never run them again for merits (for the personal rewards for 1 kill sure) once we don’t have new missions to unlock.
Our guild tried 2 bounties tonight (Desolation EU, around 10CET), both times we got Yanonka and had probably a dozen or so people scouting for rats. Not only were we unable to spawn Yanonka, nobody could even find a single rat with the full 15 minutes. Both times. Many of us had seen them around prior to tonight and were looking based on known locations so we knew generally where and what to look for.
They transmute just fine, I even retested it to make sure.