Showing Posts For Busty Mounds.9801:

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

Devs use free floating cinematic cameras to make things look good and cool.

Just give me a free floating camera. Give me access to XYZ control. Simple. While the hits on network traffic for packet sends might take a bit of a hit, dropping them off as the mini’s already work seems like a simple solution.

You’re right about 1 point. It doesn’t give much more game play. So it’s low on the priority list. Duh. But hey – I’ve stopped logging in and chatting with people and in a dying game who really cares. I was looking for a reason to log in. I don’t really have one anymore.

I feel like I’m talking to someone that just wants to say no.
Congrats you win.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

To stop that kind of abuse from ever happening, they wouldn’t put it in to begin with.
Say put it in Queensdale or some other newbie area where progression things are super cheap and don’t matter. It’s not usable anywhere else. Boom. Done. I’d say put it in WvW because that’d be awesome but unfortunately voice coms are around. Yah I can watch livestream but it’s not the same.

2. You’ve seen other FPS Games as well as this game in their previews of fly over of battles. It’s cinematic camera movement. Forward back left right. You’re limited by walls. So imagine Flying w/o gravity.
Or you can imagine XYZ in a 3d cube and you’re flying around in it as a camera. Just load up any 3d CAD program.

I want a camera that’s not attached to the sprite so you just check out the world. All portals are the way you get through maps. or waypoints to the already made locations that you waypoint to. Server selection would be your native home but if you want to switch i don’t care.

3. Heavy Traffic is handled like miniatures. – in fact you shouldn’t be rendered as you’re just taking a live feed of server traffic. If it’s too much to pass off to you as well then you’re cut off. (like miniatures)
Framerate is also PC side so if your pc is just slow rendering then whatever. As long as you arn’t lagging servers for other’s… again you’re just watching the live feed.

Underground has a ceiling. Walls are walls. You’re a camera in a cube. Pretty basic — It seems like that’s how their map structure is setup anyways.

4. I don’t care how it’s unlocked… It’s something I’ve wanted since playing other MMO’s and just having the window open to chat every now and then but also watch sit and watch the waterfall. I’d rather watch it from an elevated position of my choosing… anyways…

5. No thanks.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

So I like to log in and just sit down in my guild hall and have the screen run as a background sometimes. I think it’s pretty.

My question is…
Without being on a WvW (or some map that takes coordination for PVE) – Could we have a camera that just allows us to watch people battle monsters from a god perspective? I don’t care to type or give out directions (obvious abuse) I just wanna watch people kill stuff.

S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

in Elementalist

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

I’ve been playing d/d Ele, and staff since start of the game. Leveled through PvE using s/d.

Never been much of a focus user (only carried one before when I was a shot blocker protecting trebs/cata’s… remember those days?)… although with rangers now rampant throughout the game, when roaming in WvW… I’ve started to take it along.

I’ve been using a FA build that incorporates cantrips just because I’m so used to them in D/D. However, I’m thinking I might be able to get away from them. (Currently using a 0/6/2/6/0 or 0/6/0/6/2)

(bolt to the heart, instead of extra HP, switch to zealots to regain HP)

So yeah, because Earth 4 is basically cleansing fire, I figure with 25 second recharge I might be able to drop water out, grab trinkets to get back to about 450~ Healing power, and get back EA, so I can roll a bunch for health when needed, also decrease the switch time so I can get into earth for clearing conditions when needed.
Still can stack might for extra power, decent defense. Still have the Mist form for those moments (as an ele you’re always first to be targeted). but the Signets, I’m undecided on. Figured it’d be nice to have the run 25% fast of Sig Air, and keeping people from running with Sig Water.

Thoughts? I’ve considered Arcane Power and Arcane Shield in both of those spots, but never really used them.

This is for small group roaming, 1-5 people.

(edited by Busty Mounds.9801)

Elementalist build suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

Another suggestion is (Strength runes of course)
Mix of PowerPrecisionToughness + PowerToughnessFerocity armor + PPF (Berzerker)

Weakest server should NOT be red

in WvW

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

“Maybe in your tier, this isn’t a problem, but I assure you in many tiers below you, it is. If my point of view is “skewed”, it’s because this is such a frequent problem. And it isn’t necessarily because red is unwilling or unable to fight back. It’s because of the inherent disadvantage of fighting a stronger server from red corner. To elaborate below, I think you’re misunderstanding me."
I’m in your Tier and well… It’s not that different. even on YB now that seasons is over we’ve got people taking a break from being burnt out, hence some servers are higher then others. Rebalancing will occur. Of any corner to have, I’d prefer red, and they have an advantage with the OL/Vel/OW triangle. Just because you can have your outer wall trebbed from SM, doesn’t mean you’re at a huge disadvantage. Sure your waypoint goes away, but if you’re so down on numbers you’re given an easily defended 2 towers and keep. So the outer walls go down, you still can hold inner with a ton of AC’s and bag farm the massive amount of people that it will require to take OL from you.

(edited by Busty Mounds.9801)

Anet: What are you doing to us?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

I’ve been playing ele since the start. I was an ele in GW1. It was always a very powerful class, when played right you could do a lot with it, solo and in groups. I started GW2 with it. I enjoyed playing staff, until the 5 person hit limit. Then? What was the point. So I switched to d/d d/d ele. It has many benefits, but apparently now with the castration of cantrips to provide more diversity we’re being nerfed even harder. We’re being relegated to a second tier class, one that isn’t able to provide DPS, DOT, AOE, maneuverability, scouting. Everything is being taken away from us. We’re the new Engineers. Actually, I’ve started playing my engineer more because of how hard we’re being hit. Don’t get me wrong. I still love my ele, but it’s hard to come back. Please, stop nerfing us, if you want to kill d/d ele then boost Sceptor a little bit. Boost Staff. Give us something else to play because obviously you don’t want us on the front lines fighting with warriors, guardians, theifs, and mesmers.

Maybe I’m biased because I like ele, but please stop killing the class.