Showing Posts For Cake Ion.6815:

Dragon chest bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cake Ion.6815

Cake Ion.6815

I do this event daily and always get a chest spawn with loot after the dragon dies.

Lately, I’ve gotten a few times I got no chest spawn though I did get a Gold Event Completion notification after each event. So I do contribute since I’m always there early and have yet to disconnect at anytime of the event. And yes, I am targeting the correct boss and doing as much damage to get him down. I’ve done this event so many times in the past. This hasn’t happened before.

I filed a report bug in-game last week with a screenshot but have yet to get a response. I had to report it again since it kept happening this week.
I just want them to fix it, especially since it takes a lot of time waiting for him to arrive and having to kill him.