Showing Posts For Calevorn.5671:

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calevorn.5671


  • Option in settings to disable damage bubbles on HUD. I like an immersive and clean interface, and don’t care about the particulars of damage done on each hit.
  • Option in settings to tone down effects. A bit too often, especially in group events, there’s so much effects that I can’t even see the enemies underneath them. Not all of them are necessary, and those should be scaled back when there’s a certain amount of players on screen.

Not exactly QoL, but things that should be looked at:

  • Story-mode dungeons should start later. With the changes to personal story, you now get prompted to visit Catacombs and Caudecus before the Destiny’s Edge meeting in Lion’s Arch that started the dungeon story chain to begin with.
  • Another option would be to have the meeting in Lion’s Arch take place earlier. Perhaps to start Chapter 3? First Lion’s Arch, then mails about Catacombs and Chapter 3 story.

(edited by Calevorn.5671)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calevorn.5671


Guild: The Crystal Covenant [TCC]
World: Piken Square [EU]
Issue: Guild disappeared

Some days ago our guild disappeared for all members. Still has not reappeared.