Showing Posts For Caliban.3670:

dagger elementals wow:)

in PvP

Posted by: Caliban.3670


To paraphrase a class comparison some time ago (although then it was pce with warriors and engineers):
“An ele can output the same damage as a thief but rather than just mashing a couple of buttons they need to play Bach on their keyboard” :p

you’re dead wrong about elementalist damage… its no where near thief/warrior or even bugged mesmer.

There is no functional GC DD spec because you will absolutely get ripped like tissue paper unless stacking some toughness. Base damage on most attacks is also low. Both the top auto attack(lightning whip) and top finisher (fire grab) are borked and miss the majority of the time. DD damage potential is on par with a ranger… less sustained and zero range but a touch more of burst… generally mediocre

elementalist scales very well with defensive boons/abilities/ gear though… once you have it specced right it can stay in a fight against any class 1v1 and wear them down over time, however a GC thief can still instagib you if you’re caught without boons up.

Petition: Fix L. Whip and Fire Grab

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caliban.3670


Ok Anet.. so we’ve seen that you can fix beneficial bugs fairly quick. Now how about looking into our 2 big broken weapon attacks…

L. Whip: I have stood at PB range in front of stationary objects that should be breakable and just wiff away. Against players it misses around 40% of the time. This absolutely should be fixed since its potentially our highest damage auto-attack and has been bugged since FOREVER.

Firegrab: The stars have to be aligned for me to land this one and from most accounts a lot of players have similar issues with it. At the very least I’d hope you can give us an explanation as to why it rarely seems to hit.

Since these are actual weapon skills and not just utilities/traits that we can pass on they really should be given a priority.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Caliban.3670


You lost some true fans on this one anet, just so you know. It’s not that you messed up, it’s your lack of communication and your unwillingness to fix the things you messed up.

If the issue was just berserker LOS… they could have tweaked it and left everything else alone. In past mmo experiences though, these types of sweeping nerfs with phantasms (and all associated skills/traits) are deliberate and NEVER given a second pass.

The one thing you can always count on in a MMO is for Devs to ruin fun builds by using a sledgehammer approach for class adjustments. All I could do was stare in amazement when playing my bunker build and iDisenchanter/iDefender failed to summon 80% of the time.