Showing Posts For Camo.7581:

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Just wanted to say great fights tonight against a group of [OG] from Maguuma, we ended up in the north camp dueling a bit. I was the kitten Char Ele, your Ranger was amazing. Would love to know what build he is running, well done. Was the only one I couldn’t handle, GL in the upper tiers Mag!

The ranger would be me, message me in game some time. Your good ele most buckle under my burst and make mistakes under the pressure and good fights.


OG are overrated, hopefully when we get stomped next week these fair-weather blow-ins will leave the server instea dof hanging around thumping their chest about spawning some waypoint or other.

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


3. They like to chest-bump about it quite a bit.

Sounds like OG – Original Gankstars [sigh pun], not to be confused with [OG] – Original Grubstars – The real PVP stars of Maguuma

YB/Maguuma/IoJ What is happening?

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Bandwagoners ruined my once fun server. Wish they would all leave.

yeah, wish OG would leave, bunch of useless kittens

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


There are 80 ranks, but you only need to be rank 1 to join WvW.

You need to be rank 2 before you are able to worship Great Lord Flame Ram within WvWvWvGvT.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


/e enthusiastically urinates on Lord Flame Ram

It is actually Great Lord Flame Ram but if you deliberately mispronounced His name in order to not sully it by coming from the mouth of an illiterate philistine, that is greatly appreciated.
All hail Great Lord Flame Ram!

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


The seperatist movement of Great Lord Flame Ram has decreed that all non-maguumans, or heretical scum, shall be vigorously denied entry into the ramtopia that is Maguuma.
All hail Great Lord Flame Ram!

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Do not send an OG invite to McNubs, that dude is always dead.

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


We do not want more people, I think you’re missing the point of this thread.

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Maybe give Blackgate a go. They have big long TLDR, bold bullet points telling you why you should join them.

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


WvWvWvGvT is serious business!
Please, please do not come to Maguuma unless you like fun.
And flame rams.

Maguuma Wants YOU to Leave Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


I would never call such a distinguished internet celebrity a liar!

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Winning is boring, please do not come to Maguuma.

Maguuma Wants YOU to Leave Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


There is no Goonswarm in GW2 – Confused

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Free Razi!!

<3 CC Eva

badge of honor drop rate ?

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


No idea… I can kill ppl from start to his death alone n din get anything. I can hit ppl 3 hits n get 2 medals. Go figure…

Now that seems quite… random

[Fort Aspenwood]-[Maguuma]-[Dragonbrand] 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581



But, when you see DB starting to make a stand or get a foothold in a BL and it’s on the DB side of the map, coming to wipe that out. Doesn’t help you.

Yes, it does help us. It just doesn’t help you. You make an assumption that our goals are similar.
You should read more of Zun Su – ‘War is Art’.

‘Walk softly and carry a big stick’ – Rommel (1852)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (3 threads down- try a fourth)

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


[Hell] from DH just escorting one lonely little [Hell] person, currently on Maguuma Server, from the DH top altar towards a DH keep.
Exploit or superior tactic?

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Nerf Haelsing Tourettes

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Maguuma Alamo, never forget

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Mag +335
Derphaven +210
NSP +150

Boy, those Maguuma guys sure are being taught a valuable lesson about superior tactically exploits.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Maguuma has a commander in mumble whose smoke alarm goes off every minute, exploit or superior tactic?

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Remember Pangloss