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Hello , loving the new free-for-all type arena in PVP.
Just found that Judge’s Intervention guard skill isnt working 9 out of 10 times in this little arena. Maybe it is because of the terrain. Other instaport skills seem to work fine tho. Just wanted to bring this up, maybe anyone found some other port skill not working in this arena ? Please write it here so anet might pick it up.
Thank you and see you ingame
this build got me back in the game and platinum, most fun ive had since a long time XD
True that :c
Hello fellow Ele’s,
Like many of us ive been trying out different builds since the update and both auramancer and oldskool fresh air just dont seem to work till i came up with this one of wich and iam so excited to share. Its a combo between the both builds mentioned before and ive been able to put out some great pressure, win 1v1’s and also support.
It does include warhorn a very under estimated weapon in this meta because of the many aoe’s it puts out. At the bell in the new map most just seem to stick on point no matter what happens and soak up all the aoe’s and cc’s.
The details:
-Air overload is the main source of damage even with menders people just cant facetank it.
-The low precision in combo with perma fury uptime and many random aoe hits is more then enough to reset air.
-The rune provides more toughness and very high protection uptime aswell as a aura wich removes traited condi and therefor adds to sustain. (dont rly need earth traitline)
-Casting the heal skill while in earth adds more protection.
-Mistform secures stomps and rezzes, also you can overload during mistform. However they changed it slightly because now the overload ends as soon mistform ends aswell.
-Try ‘leading’ your aoe attacks where you think the enemy’s will be cluserted the next seconds and you will notice they will random dodge the attacks this helps the team alot with wasting the enemy’s dodges. Also this makes up for the slower skills warhorn has.
-Fire 3 is the only evade frame, use it wisely.
-Fire 4 should only be used when there is a reasonable stack of might to pass on.
-Since air overload is the main source of damage this should be done by walking in circles and only stand in the middle when the overload ends, or use it with armor of earth on.
-Water 5 should be blasted with water 3 and earth 4 for easy recovering hp.
-Mistform can be swapped with Glypth of storms. This skill has great preasure in air and provides many blinds and protection in earth.
-Soothing disruption can be changed to any of the other 2 traits but this depends on the comp your facing.
I hope yall will try it out and give your opinion and those who never found warhorn usefull might change theyr mind now.
Yeah its awfull i alrdy had a few times where i could easely pull of the rezz in a 2v2 wich when we just had to hold that point to win and my team mate glided off to Afrika , also one time a ranger that died slided into a wall and seconds later it was back at the original spot being rezzed by his pet and got up again. This glitch is toxic for pvp since it can make or break a match without influence of players. Hope they will fix this soon
Starts with full avatar , lets pet tanks 2 of the 3 npc who dont cc or burst, clicks skills like a noob, still managed to get downed. Lmfao you made my day. In a pvp match i bet all you could do is feed like a wett towel or aa from a range. Learn to play before calling anything op.. druid can indeed bunker anything 1v1 but not with this gameplay
Reflects are no problem.. to do damage in melee you got to face the aoes and deadly effects on close range. Magical damage isnt bursty enough to be dangerous on range like shatter mesmer still need to get up close to have effect. This leaves the long range projectiles wich need a counter to. Its not healthy for pvp If you have people easyshotting from a distance all the time. Trueshot ,Warrior killshot, or bezerker ranger need to have a counter like this to. It brings intresting mechanics for example safe stomping If you know the only thing that can stop you is a ranged cc projectiles at that moment. Or for disengaging
. i remember often having to dodge a projectile flying back. This brings more skill and less ez pew pew. Like someone sayd before a good build should have melee range options to. And if one is not able to dodge a reflected dh longbow arrow then one has a l2p issue.
This is coming from a player that plays all builds and professions including longbow dh.
Btw doesnt longbow’s unblockable skill goos trough reflects?
This is a l2p issue, on lower devisions it might seem grindy to go back and forth a few pips but trust me when ur one win away from legendary perfection and love for pvp makes it worth it. Even in soloque teamwork and every second matters and so does any little mistake or good play someone makes when everybody is around the same skill lvl. Because a badge , backpiece, and title can be obtained now it gives players a reason to keep doing it. Exactly what pvp needed ! From a event to a game mode
Enough sustain to run with vipers amulet to
No offense but you got carryd here. Walking back and forth on point autoattacking with axe doing neither damage or supportive moves isnt helping ur team much
This is very informative, never knew a chancing revinant oto computer and eats pips
This was lots of fun learned alot from this tourney but most of all :
Take ur time to adjust the build you run to the rules of the tournament BEFORE the match. or you will end up like me disqualified for using nightmare runes and after losing XD just had to upload it
question : would a minionmaster be allowed to activate its minions before the fight ?
since 2 weeks i cant get enough of using warhorn for my tempest in pvp, finally found a viable build. because not many seem to use warhorn but dagger or focus and this only occurs to me in pvp and not in wvw might be the reason nobody reported this yet. if anyone expirience the same please confirm and give any info why this might be happening :
in PVP with dagger/warhorn i often get struck, in such a way that i can still use skills but not walk, not dodge, the only way to break this is entering downstate and rezzing up again or use burning speed (dagger 3). its similar to immobalize just that there is no condition that says so. i started paying attention to when this happens, and it seems to occur after using ‘burning speed’ and ‘feel the burn’ , this combination of skills gets me stuck and i noticed the more i refine my gameplay on timing feel the burn the exact moment burning speed ends the more this happens. i feel useless at this moment when teammates dying around me and i cant move its almost like my keyboard stops working. however using skills works and when burning speed is off cooldown again i can free myselve. I find it a shame since this is the only thing that holds me from enjoying warhorn as the amazing weapon it is. i have been stuck for such a long time that i just spammed skills/tried to dodge/do anything, and only when burning speed was off cooldown again i free’d myselve. this has huge impact on the proformance of a expirienced elementalist in pvp. especially because it happens faster, with faster timing (those 2 skills used as good burst). i hope anyone reconises this ! im trying to get a recording of this happening but this makes my computer lagg so its difficauld.
thanks in advance for any solution or information