Showing Posts For Caproic.4196:
I can report personally to seeing maybe 4 unidentified dyes drop in the last 2 weeks (considering my friends were trying the trial and this was a holiday weekend that means I have been playing too much imo) and I have also seen some bots. Certainly not as frequent on the bots, but yeah.
Personally I am curious as to how many people feel the dye drop rate < before the accidental increase. I do, but by maybe 10%.
I have to agree that putting in a dodge mechanic and making abilities invisible is a low blow…blocking vs reflecting channeled abilities is a sort of fair mechanic though I’d say.
One thing for sure though, any champion below level 15 shouldn’t have any of these let’s call them ‘lame’ mechanics (see krait witch imo). Basically if you know what you’re doing and you still run a good risk of getting insta-gibbed it shouldn’t be in a starting zone, it’s just cruel. By comparison there are champs in the norn zone that can 1 shot you, but have small jumps telegraphing their abilities, which I believe is more fair.
Just my two cents, btw not saying people should be able to get away with dodge as their only defensive ability in pve, but since this is a more ‘actiony’ game not even seeing something coming is a bit too much.
Frankly it’s that kind of thing and the bleed stack max that really has me wondering why they bothered putting in condition damage at all.
Only thing I can think of is they despise it enough that anyone who wants to use it can visualize their amazing damage, only to almost never realize it.
I mean really the only way to make it fair would be to somehow make power be less effective if other group members are power or something like a buff on npc’s that says ‘invulnerable to direct damage’. Which would obviously be stupid but that’s kind of what that is saying too isn’t it?
Why not just immune to bleeds or poisons…why everything, how is that even possible?
Well some of that comes from our more ‘pure utility’ utilities not being good by comparison to say other classes or our own damage utility choices. But a lot of our decent offensive utilities are either practically always up (minions) have a low effective cooldown (wells) or a cooldown that flat out matches some long weapon 5 abilities (conditions – see blood is power/ epidemic for example).
We can do alright in terms of damage with no utilities, if you consider a necro as a ‘tanky’ caster (as opposed to a dps one).
That’s all just my opinion of course, I see the frustration, but when you can be somewhat hard to kill and also do fair aoe damage somethings gotta give, in this case its choices.
—Smelly acid
Like the guild name, is there a more or less equal spread of play across PvE, sPvP, and Wv3? Do you guys have active chat most of the time (voice – I saw the vent part, but I’m curious if it’s used practically all the time)?
I’m a bit of an altaholic, but I’ll get to 80 some day, do pretty well in sPvP though. So far most of the guilds I’ve been in are either extremely focused on one thing (Wv3) or don’t have an active community on any front really.
Highest level is 35, rank 17…i think…atm.
Anyways cheers,
-Smelly acid