Showing Posts For CaptainPicard.3095:

Camera Up/Down key binding?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CaptainPicard.3095


I am unable to find a way to bind camera up and camera down to keys on the keyboard. My preference for controlling the character is to forward/back/strafe left/right with the num pad (8/2/4/6) and then control the camera left/right/up/down with the arrow keys using my thumb. This allows me to run the camera and drive the character exclusively with my right hand while controlling combat with my left. As I am left handed, this is by far the most comfortable way for me to play and I don’t seem to be able to map my keys this way in this game.

Can camera up/camera down keybindings be added or can someone advise how I can currently map camera up and camera down to keys? The camera left and right are already bindable..


What's the reasoning for paying to switch crafts?

in Crafting

Posted by: CaptainPicard.3095


It is really unfortunate that they made this a money sink. One of the great things about FFXIV for example was you could craft all crafts on every character. There is no reason to not allow that here.

Bad Blood

in Personal Story

Posted by: CaptainPicard.3095


I watched most carefully and ran the minute the flag started to blow.

That’s exactly the WRONG time to run. The flags indicate when the wind is blowing, once they die down you can run to the next section. (Don’t try to do the whole run at once, you need to wait at the middle wall for the wind to rise and die again.)

Sorry Jeffrey if you designed this content, but its not fun-at all. After 60 tries, I am done with the personal story.