Melodic Whisper, Thief :: Mephelotic Phantasm, Mes :: Xoboda, Guard :: Plikkik, Engi
Jade Quarry since launch then I started wandering the borderlands of Yak’s Bend
I was doing a Charr PS yesterday: 3 risen spiders drop down from the roof of a cave onto me and the NPCs. I hit Target Closest, and it selects none of the 3 red named spider mobs…it chose instead to have me attack an invulnerable Egg Sack while I and my NPC helpers are dying of poison. My Target Next/Previous hotkey bindings don’t help because (you guessed it) that just chooses the NEXT useless Egg Sack instead of any of the myriad spider hatchlings that popped out on me.
This guy claimed to have DDoSed it.Some guys on the archeage forums posted the link to his twitter.He’s been claiming to have been ataking quite few games.Including gw2/wildstar.
I am horrified that someone who comes off as such a tool — like this guy from the twitter account in the DDoS link — is even capable of disturbing my evening’s entertainment like this. Can’t our bad guy hackers at least be glamourous (and intelligent) enough to use 140 characters in a haiku or something?
What really chafes me about this is that I can be suppressed in such a small time, with spaced out messages that are needed for coordination or information. However, I can also in that same time frame see my chat window blow up and start scrolling wildly with emotes repeated by the same person over & over.
How many times does a character need to cheer in a 10 second window? When I can’t even ping some waypoint in chat on my mes for jp ports with a min and a half cooldown without getting suppressed pretty soon.
Right on Sitkaz. We need more posts like this—for the humor and the helpful suggestion. The issues that are cropping up aren’t necessarily PvW visitors faults, and we all need a smile now before tempers get raw.
And don’t step out on the edge of a wall trying to AoE down on attackers. You will be pulled down and /emotes of LOL will fly across your chat screen.
Wall fishing, it’s not a ‘catch & release’ program.
I’m on JQ and I’ve come to look with nostalgia on the days 3-4 months ago when we were complaining about only having neverending match ups with Blackgate and Sanctum of Rall over & over. Those days, we fought ….zerg v zerg, havoc teams roaming, and a lot of 1v1 or 3v3’s all around. Something for everyone, so to speak.
Even the times we got curbstomped by SoR when JQ’ers were farming Molten Facility is starting to look like good clean fun.
Having all the map your color IS NOT fun though. When you’re in WvW and folks are pinging map chat with “Hey, the grub is up! YAY!” or “Let’s go kill the skritt again!” there is something wrong.
It can’t be fun for the servers we’re against, and it certainly isn’t helping keep morale up for them or for us. I spent a couple hours running alts through the BL maps for completion and all I felt like was a bully, seeing the siege equips all lined up at the other guy’s home bases. This….sucks.
edit That pic is from just a few hours after WvW reset and I can only imagine the feeling the folks on FA and MG had waking up to being farm-killed. Way to start out the week, way to go boosting WvW participation.
(edited by Carize.8532)
You have 5 slots to begin with. Make 5 chars, tootle them around the respective starting areas and see what kinds of stuff you like. Try out the different weapon sets each class can use. See the animations on skills. Leveling in this game is easiest of any other MMO I’ve played and you get experience for doing practically everything.
Hearts/quests = exp
Gathering = exp
Achievements = exp
Crafting = exp
Events = exp
Killing random mobs = exp
Personal story = exp
Exploring new areas = exp
Unlocking way points = exp
^ There is no down side. Just make a char, get to 10 (less than an hour playing) and rinse/repeat. Delete the chars that you immediately KNOW you don’t like (if any).
If even that seems like too much, just make a char, do the first personal story intro and then go into PvP (crossed swords on top of screen). Char will be a default lvl 80 with all skills and you can see what final results look like on each class.
There are 8 professions, you have 5 slots….go try stuff out.
Just as a clarification: Jade Quarry didn’t start this topic thread about unfair scheduling, and didn’t even whine much at first about 2v1. We thought the schedule was screwed up too. BUT:
Hell that’s what WvWvW is ALL ABOUT. You go against the server you think is the most threatening to you, whether that’s because they have most presence on a certain map or because you want to draw them away from somewhere and create a vulnerability.
THIS IS WvWvW! Stop being self righteous (that goes for BG, SoR AND JQ)
If your opponent 2v1 you, you are respected. At least there are decent fights. They would ignore you if they thought you were scrubs. Instead they fight you and strategize how best to beat you or pin you down so they can get something they want on another map. Isn’t that what war is about? Even a made-up fantasy pixel war with bright shiny swords and magic spells? Some servers have such lame WvWvW experiences that they’re just achievement trading and those players are ruining the experience for all the real WvW players on those servers.
This whole thread was at first about trying to shame JQ into somehow “making” ANet re-do the season schedule (like we could, right?), and when the futility of that approach became apparent certain folks began saying “Well if they’re going to have such an unfair matchup —that they had nothing to do with making, BTW-- then we’re going to blah blah blah whatever to them!!11!”
However wrongheaded the reasoning behind that feeling is….it’s WAR, all are here to try to win it. 2v1 or 1v1v1, it is what it is.
TL;DR: Stop the kittening and whining about unfair matchup or schedule or 2v1…you just make yourselves look petty and childish. GO FIGHT
I agree so much. There’s a lot of other players who have all said the same and yet for the most part we don ‘t see any signs of change—no hotfix, no email or no red Dev message on forum saying "we know this is bad, we’re working now".
I’m not at the RAGE /uninstall game level of angry yet, but I do smack the keyboard, shut off my PC and go read my E-Library backlog. This game used to be my unwinding and recreation activity and now it’s making me annoyed and grumpy.
Well it’s not as if they are in control of the issue at the moment. They’re being attacked. Getting upset with Anet is like blaming the victim, not the mugger.
Why is it only t1 people doing the complaining?
Since you were on JQ since start, did you cry about the queues for WvW then? I know we had queues on SBI in those days.
It is what it is. Some servers in t1 didn’t just have guilds move to them by chance, but they actively recruited them. This has lead to the problems that you are complaining about, not anything Anet did.
Most of the servers are actually enjoying having the new blood, and maybe some old blood who has returned. T1, you are in the minority.
I have indeed been on JQ since the beginning. I like the people here and my guild is strong in WvW because we make it a priority. I have no interest in moving just to satisfy folks who wrongheadedly believe that players and guilds from T1 lurk about in dark corners trying to lure your poor, helpless WvW players away with the shine of our filthy gold.
I’m personally sick of hearing about that. I haven’t kidnapped anyone. I don’t believe any other guild in T1 was required to stoop so low in order to get players to flock here. As far as I’m aware everyone who plays this game is supposedly an adult (or at least over 13) and therefore capable of making decisions in their own best interest. In other words, it was their own choice and none of your concern.
So, I haven’t whined yet about queues. I have stated that in my entire time playing I had not experienced queues this long before. I also said that it seemed like the planning for this situation wasn’t well thought out.
Regardless of how you or I feel about over population or ‘stacking’ for League Season 1, the amount of lag in WvW, the long waits to join, and the hiccoughs and stutters that are also happening in other areas of game play are causes for concern—and yes, annoyance—to players. Note that I did not say T1 players. This affects many of us. Some Silver and Bronze server players in EU league have mentions lag on forums tonight. Please do not speak to me about ‘most servers enjoying’. You seem not to have noticed things said by people in your own Leagues. I certainly don’t need to hear any ill-considered opinions about mine.
There are some problems PvE side as well.
I was in a fight with the candy corn boss in Labyrinth earlier and I was not the only one saying in map chat that skills were not going off. We were lagging there the same way that people are lagging in WvW.
I personally have DC’d repeatedly today and yesterday. This is not something that is only about WvW, Leagues or ‘stacking’. It’s about trying to fit too many people into the entire GW2 ecosphere. If it was just WvW I don’t think quite so many feathers would be ruffled.
Having an influx of new players is, I think , an overall good thing for the game. But to have the new players come into the game and get hit with a wall of lag to the face cannot be a wonderful first impression.
To have a new, special WvW LS event that draws more players there kick off at the same time as a sale that lures in more GW2 players, and a Halloween event that draws more players happen at the same time is just silly. We lag occasionally in big fights in WvW at T1. This is accepted as the price we pay for the fun and excitement of big fights. It is NOT a price we should pay while doing PvE dailies or trying to make a new alt.
Disconnections multiple times in 2 consecutive days after a year into this game is also not a price many of us expect to pay for just trying to log in and play. This is not whining or self pity. It’s annoyance at such head-shaking, eye-rolling, silly and ill-advised decision.
I’m gonna go team A-net just this once and say…hey at least they finally made traits and skill and rune/signet tooltips understandable and clearly state what they modify and how much. New skills will be good but the uselessly incoherent info on the old tooltips was a constant irritant and that’s fixed. So HUZZAH!
I have the same issues on both my Elementalists. It isn’t just those 2 skills either. Sometimes it’s so bad that only the aoe-type skills work ( fire #2, lightning #2, water #3, etc). So basically I often can’t hit anything unless I use skills that just smash an area all around me wildly.
Please to fix, Devs?
If you’re like me and can’t always remember your new alt’s name, just press H now and then and you character name is up top on that screen.
This sounds like a fun idea. I don’t have any notion of the programming side of how it could be implemented, but I like it a lot. +1 Community to you for thinking it up!
Hey people,
for few weeks Anet was telling you that moving to T1 is not good idea.
They also made some free transfers so you can move from overpopulated servers.
Nobody cared about it that time.And it is not Anet fault. I dont see people from Bronze league whining about queues. Rarely i see people from silver league. And there are servers you moved from.
There was queue before start of the leagues. You count count with queues after start of the league, but you still moved there or stayed there. It is not Anet i am not Anet fanboy, i rarely agree with them, but this is just true. We in bronze are laughting about queues in T1 and about your whining
I’ve been on Jade Quarry since this game opened and I’ve had queues before, no doubt. But these queues are longer, and less likely to let you into WvW than I’ve ever experienced. So I’m on a Tier 1 server, I deserve what I get? That’s the way you behave while expecting others to have sympathy for your supposed plight of getting facerolled each time your 4 man guild steps out of spawn?
Go on and keep laughing. We don’t mind. Stay jealous of the fact that other servers might have wait times….but we also have fights. Not just tumbleweeds blowing across the sad, dusty, deserted borderlands like you so self-righteous Tier-Who-Cares, No-One-Pays-You-Any-Attention servers.
This is not a bug. All a yellow name means is that “it will not attack you unless you hit it first.”
Every AoE, multi-target skill can and will aggro neutrals that are in its range. That’s the nature of the skill. Part of what you have to choose when using a skill like Ele Staff #1 (fire or lightning), Mesmer GS #2, Mes staff #1, Ranger LB #5 or SB #2 etc. Does it matter more that you knock the snot out of that one target, or is it more important to tag multiples? The choice is yours. I can and have used LB #5 Barrage on a single target, but I’m also not shocked if a few moas walk through the arrow storm and then look at me with a gleam of kitten ed-off in their eyes. :-D
Of course….some skills also hit anything in the straight-line space between your weapon and your target (piercing skills, scepter skills, most beam/light/fire skills), which can cause unintended aggro too…
Playing video games is so tricky! /tongueincheek
I can get behind the idea of making “night time” much darker than it is. It’s one of the drawbacks that I feel this game has. Lotro had monsters that only appeared at night, quests that could only be completed or turned in at night, and a totally different atmosphere during evening/night/early morning/afternoon transitions.
Another totally vain reason I’d like to see a darker “night time” is that I play a Sylvari pretty often and it’s annoying that even at night when she’s glowing I can’t always tell. She doesn’t have to look like a lightning bug, but some contrast between her skin glow and surrounding background would be nice. Often my only clue that it’s night is that the tips of her hair are brighter.
Oh and this is the day/night cycle, according to the GW2Wiki ArenaNet FAQ:
Are they going to include a day/night cycle?
Yes. The cycle will be faster than real time. Events and monster spawning will change based on the time of day. Centaurs might attack a camp at dawn, and ghosts haunting an ancient battlefield might only be visible at night. Currently, the cycle lasts 2 hours with 80 minutes of day and 40 minutes of night, but this is subject to change before release.
(edited by Carize.8532)
Please can we get some Dev reply here? This issue killed me earlier. Mining ore, mob aggros, my camera is toward the cliff wall I’m mining and my Tab key will not target anything until I walk 10 paces away from the cliff. Why? Because my camera decided to behave as if it was inside my character’s head, looking outward and the game decided that meant I can’t “see” any target. I have dropped to 60% health by then, and walking out aggros 2 more Risen to whittle away my remaining health.
Target Nearest…shouldn’t that hit the risen thrall standing practically inside my character, chewing on my ankle?
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.