Showing Posts For Carnach.5342:
A friend and me a re looking to run a pair of guardians duo in PVE. I was wondering if the veteran guardians here had any advice or tips on what builds have synergy in a guardian / guardian duo.
The damage component scales off your power. The heal component off your heal. Obviously the more persons hsared with the more significant the damage component..
Your best bet is to go here and plug in the traits yourself to see how each component of damage changes.
Thanks. I will give that a try.
I’m a new player and at least at present strictly play PVE with a friend of mine that is also new. I enjoy the look and feel of pistols and I am not so squishy at range for the bounties and bosses.
My question is as I start to unlock skill trees and gain access to abilities like leeching venom if I use venoms with the P/P will leeching venoms help? Does it scale from power or condition damage? Or is its damage too negligible to consider.
(edited by Carnach.5342)
Sounds cool. I’m still very new to the game but I think your ideas are a start if ANET were to want to create a path where Thief could have a viable Rifle / Dual Pistol build that would be awesome.
Figured it out…my content filter on my firewall was blocking it after 24%. Wherever it switches over at that percentage was coming up against the filter.
I purchased the game and selected the download 64-bit client. It runs and never gets past 24%. I have Windows 10 Pro, i7-7700k, 32 GB ram, 512GB SSD nvme, Nvidia 1080 GTX. I opened a ticket in support but have heard nothing yet.
I have deleted the installer and folders several times still stops at 24%. Tried -repair no help. Only AV is windows Defender.
Is it really this difficult to download this game?
I am brand new to Guild Wars 2 and plan to level slowly and learn the game. Looking at Revenant at a glance a build based on leaching and conditions seems to interest me. Is there a build while leveling from 1-80 experiencing the game content that works with Corruption\Retribution\Devastation? Often the flavor text of skills in games doesn’t correlate to actual performance. I am looking for input where I can enjoy the game but not be kitten. I am not a stellar gamer so min maxing isn’t something I am ever likely to achieve. That being said choosing a build that always has you down isn’t fun either.
Any advice appreciated and thank you.
Thanks Danikat, that’s good info. Saturday I should be installing this on my new Windows 10 machine and I’ll look forward to that. In the meantime its given me more opportunity to read a bit. I am leaning towards Warrior as my 1st profession using a signet build with great sword until I get comfortable with the game. I’ve been reading up on the crafting also. Seems like there is a split some saying don’t craft and you’ll make more money to buy things. Others saying the crafting while expensive is rewarding at the end. So I’m not sure yet on the crafting though I am think I want to give it a try either chef/weaponsmith or chef/armorsmith. Thanks to everyone for the tips so far.
Sadly, I have not been able to play yet. I have a two macs and the game will load on neither even though they exceed the requirements. In both cases at 30% it stops and never finishes. I get my new windows desktop this weekend and will try that. I’m hoping the windows installer is better then the Mac Installer especially since I bought the game.
Thanks All for the advice.
I’m brand new just purchased the Heart of Thorns tonight for something to play. I will look through the forums and read. Just wanted to say hello and I hope the game is still stable or growing. Looks very interesting.