Showing Posts For CassiusNez.2395:

8 days of waiting...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


may the force be with you guys

I just want to say

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Im at work so i can’t play till later tonight -_-

I just want to say

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


i hear you bro, im just glad my wait is over.

I just want to say

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Have no idea why people that were suspended get priority over serial code tickets >.>

You’d think they’d help the people not at fault rather than those that are.

What are you talking about? i didn’t have any issues with my account being banned or hacked. My account was suspended it will unsuspend itself once i serve my time..

Your situation is different, it requires a tech to manually access your account and un-ban it.

I just want to say

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


It has been a pleasure meeting you folks here at Account issues, my account was banned because i said a few words i shouldn’t have.. I will be unbanned in 10 hours so i will no longer be here, i will be enjoying GW2’s awesomeness X] ..

i used a new email & never played wow.. so safe to say i shouldn’t have to stress any hackers.

Anyways, i learned a lesson these past 3 days .. & i sure don’t want to come back to this part of the forum again !

Posted for help from support on 27th of last month on issue and still no help.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


There is no specific amount of wait time, it could be days, weeks, months..

Has anyone gotten a ban that was not warranted fixed yet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Story of our lives

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Makes me feel like this game was for children..

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Story of our lives..

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


A real good indicator.. How long do you have to issue a chargeback?

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


that makes a lot more sense than a 3 day ban

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Hey Gaile, can you tell me what it is i said ?

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


So if my countdown sais 62 hours.. it will automatically restore when it reaches 0?

most likely, set your alarm for sunday! and quit saying bad words ya sailor! :P

Thats the plan!

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


So if my countdown sais 62 hours.. it will automatically restore when it reaches 0?

Guild Wars 2 ArenaNet worst account security EVER.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


I also think you and others with the same problem should get compensated.. why not? You paid for a game and you have been unable to play it due to a security breach? or what ever technical problems Areanet is having. I recommend you fight for some sort of compensation. All we’ve been getting as a response is
no offense to Gaile …
‘’ we appreciate that your still waiting for us to fix are mistake, please wait longer we don’t know how long but thank you for waiting"

Question about Suspended Accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Can anyone comment on this?

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


@Godmoney lol you dammm right

oops i hope i dont get banned from the forums for saying dam

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


lol looks like you were the only one

anyone who got their ticket resolved is happily playing with lower server loads. they aren’t the only one :P

Lol except Dol

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


lol looks like you were the only one

Question about Suspended Accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Did everyone who got banned for racial slurs, bad language ..ect for three days was your account live after the three days? or Did you have to wait longer..

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Yea we need to be heard ! They should have been prepared for this, i didn’t see any errors when i paid for the game or when i bought gems.. game mechanics quickly responded to my payments.

Its acridness that they don’t even have a number we can contact them at.

Unhappy with customer support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Don’t you guys see it this is supply and demand !


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


The Terms that you agreed to say that ArenaNet doesn’t guarantee that you can access the Service anytime You want. It may be unavailable for reasons within or beyond ArenaNet’s control. Since you agreed to that, it’s not fair to ask for compensation. The game is young, just try (harder) to be patient. We all want it to be ready and stable in its full awesomeness.

Many of us are frustrated and it doesn’t make it any easier when we lash out or have unfair expectations. I keep getting over-irritated too and have had a couple posts deleted, etc. It happens. We may not enjoy the downtimes but we can at least be realistic in our ranting.

One day this will happen to you, and you will not be saying any of this.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


I completely understand, not only do i understand but i am on YOUR SIDE, imkitten that after i payed $60.00 i’v been banned for no reason. & afters hours of submitting a ticket i still have no idea why.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


I also think you and others with the same problem should get compensated.. why not? You paid for a game and you have been unable to play it due to a security breach? or what ever technical problems Areanet is having. I recommend you fight for some sort of compensation. All we’ve been getting as a response is
no offense to Gaile …

‘’ we appreciate that your still waiting for us to fix are mistake, please wait longer we don’t know how long but thank you for waiting"

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


i meant suspension but like Ralsti said everyone who has a suspended account should have the’re account lifted. If they don’t have man power to fix these issues quicker then they need to hire more people.

Why should we have to wait for them to deal with other issues when ours is just as bad. Lift all suspensions and take care of your technical issues.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


If you really need $60 right now, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing computer games.

Around £50 wich is closer to $80 actually. and that comment was just ignorant. Getting short on cash from time to time happens. If you actually paid bills you would have some concept of that. Your comment was neither smart nor constructive so please keep such comments to yourself.

I tell you what as soon as you get your local DA to file criminal theft charges against them I’ll retract my statement. Until then I stand behind you can’t get them charged with theft. Furthermore it would be faster and simpler to simply dispute the second charge with your bank/CC company and let them deal with it.

Your assuming American law clearly. I live in the UK but still your input is apreciated.

They will refund this, as it happened to other people as well, but as of this moment they are working on all cases for hacked accounts and the likes, so tickets like this gets pushed down the line and will be dealt with later.

They are legally required to give you your money back but not the when as this is something that still needs to be checked out

All I can say is to hold on to your tickets and whenever the hacking attempts die down they can deal with other tickets

See.. this is part of my complaint. Why should a billing issue have to compete with tech support ones for attention. Really poor business practice.

Lol how would you know if i pay bills or not? I work, i bought this game.. & im also upset with areanet because i got banned for no reason.

Im just saying if your in need of $60 dollars you shouldn’t be playing computer games & i will stand by what i said.

As for the guy who mentioned principles i never said that he was in the wrong for wanting his money back.

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


This is crazy, they should just un-ban EVERYONE, and take care of their technical issues then begin banning people. They obviously have bigger issues to take care of.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Yea but what about someone who maybe misspelled something? or was talking to a friend? I don’t even know what i could have said that resulted in me being banned, but i would definitely like to find out & if i was banned on an error i would want to be un banned.

My characters name is Loc Zephyr

31 login attempts from the People's Republic of China!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


After i read this i checked my spam box and had 3 emails from china -_- …

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


I rarely even Chat ! in game, i need this resolved .. today was my day off & now i can’t even play.
