Showing Posts For Cattish.2610:


in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


I can’t play hotjoins and unrankeds they are absolutely boring to me. When there is nothing to lose u can’t play better so most ppl begin face rolling I disrespect this deeply
Yes I have unrankeds and hotjoins in my account history (300-400 and 5k+ rankeds/team rankeds/paids etc) because I test brand new builds or classes I have no idea how to play competitive
But still I regret to play matches without any stakes because I like that adrenalin of close games and competitive opponents
And yes I want these wings and yes my ego reaches far beyond that legendary division :p
And u say to players that want to play rankeds to chill for 2-3 months with dreams that Anet fixes everything with rainbow ponies in the next season
What shall I do these months? Play matches with ppl that face roll n farm pvp ranks or test builds n classes? I can win em just spamming 1111111 and right map rotation
So not to play is not an option

(edited by Cattish.2610)


in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


Got the same problem for 3 days already in div5. Losing streaks 10+ 20+ 30+ are quite frustrating.
Guess ppl have to team up with full teams
And advices like not to play rankeds are disrespectful imo
I play gw2 to play spvp most of the time
I play spvp to play rankeds only
The hell have I to quit doing so just because of bad mmr tuning? Yes sometimes we win sometimes we lose sometimes we can to move forward sometimes not but its not serious to get punished for losing streaks with even longer losing streaks
If I’m so bad I guess I should be placed with the same low mmr ppl vs other low mmr ppl for the same division so once I’m able to carry it and win instead of 20-30 loses in a row
And then I should meet opponents and teammates with a bit higher mmr (obviously). But we have quite different picture and this is sad and frustrating
Anet could have experimented in pre-season because the player base is getting lower and lower from the release.
In sum I offer all the dia players with mmr hell problem to gather
Guess most of you have nothing to lose anyway so /w or /invite in the mists

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


I’m in that brand new elohell-loop for 3 days already in div5
I have to admit it’s very frustrating to have losing streaks 10+ 20+ 30+ then 1 or 2 wins and back to the one sided matches
And just 30% of the lost matches were totally one sided
In other 70% we were winning the first 1 or 2 fights but then every gosh kitten time at 150-200 points my team dramatically begins to lose every fight even with favour in numbers 3×2 4×3 which is quite weird if that happens over and over 20 games in a row. Like some kind of a switcher. Do we play with AI? Or was i just so lucky to meet all the elo eBay boosted ppl in gw2 so my mmr suddenly dropped to the deepest deep and I’m doomed forever?
Any medicine found yet?

ladder ranks

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


oh cmon rerroll in top300 ppl know each other for half a year already :>

better reveal rank points at the leaderboard and the ammount u get/lose in the after-game table
(because its a nonsense.. i have never seen a ladder with hidden ladder points…)

Leaderboards with search -

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


gj man, very usefull stuff)

PS pls recheck top3 in ur table, cauz they are diff at the moment from the gw2 leaderboard’s page (actually they are not in the table somehow)

(edited by Cattish.2610)

The benefits of selling Unidentified Dyes

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


but you can sell them once you identify them?

yes u can.

PS unidentified dyes from pvp reward chests are also account bound. but they are still can be sold as u identify them.

(edited by Cattish.2610)

EU Core Team LFM

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


You never invite me for paids =.=

lately i get invited myself since my team is retired :/

The benefits of selling Unidentified Dyes

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


I didnt’ know you could craft unidentified dyes either O.o

if u craft em in the mists they are account bound (=cannot be sold)
sad story 8(

EU Core Team LFM

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


i would like to occupy thief’s spot

New map question- is orb a bundle or a buff?

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


whats about “shadow wire” and passive traits like “Hard to catch”

(edited by Cattish.2610)

whats about to bring new life to Capricorn?

in PvP

Posted by: Cattish.2610


We all clearly see that Anet doesnt want to change the idea of underwater combat.
But we still want more maps in free tpvp and in paids.

So what do u think about one more Capricorn map in rotation (f.e its night version or any other restyle) with replaced underwater nod (to the cannon or to the ship)?

GW2 Lag spikes make it impossible to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cattish.2610


i have a huge problem with these spikes\freezes (especially as i use shadowstep-like abilities, it bounds me to the target location so i cant move. Sometimes it teleports me back then to the target location again. And u dont see ur opponents moves mostly. Their models are just jumping around.)

Its absolutely impossible to play in sPvP (and the ammount of the lag differs depended on the map u play. The hardest lags are on the 1t n 3d maps in free tours. The 2nd map and the mist is laggy n spiky but u can control ur char at least…)

and that has started about a week ago.

I tried to ping\tracert IPs the game uses (got em via Task manager -> Performance -> Resource Monitor -> Network(in the tabs) -> TCP Conncetions -> Gw2.exe)

it shows no packages loss or ping above 60ms for
and 100% no answers from, what is very weird since the game uses these IPs.

PPS i have no lag or connection issues in other games at the same time

(edited by Cattish.2610)