Showing Posts For Cazran.2306:

PvP survival mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cazran.2306


This idea actually sounds very interesting, I’m not sure how it’d actually turn out if put into play since there’s so much imbalance in pvp and could potentially end up very boring if the defending team stacked purely bunker builds since there would be no incentive to actually kill the attackers if the main purpose was to just survive.

However the concept is definitely desirable considering we’ve had over a year of just basic domination now.

remove level decrease

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cazran.2306


80’s can already solo group events, hell people AT LEVEL can solo “group” events. The much bigger issue would be every level 80 in the game 1 shotting every enemy in AC for faster solo clears than an optimal CoF P1 party.

I’m aware that 80’s can already go solo low level group events, but in its current state with the down-leveling system it’s not worth the time investment compared to doing group events with groups as intended. The point that I was trying to emphasis is that If they could simply walk up and 1 shot these event bosses It would be a very practical means for them to grind on. But like you said, if they did remove the level decrease system then people would be able to just clear dungeons in several minutes with minimal effort which overall would ruin the experience for themselves and others who did actually want to partake in a group effort.

remove level decrease

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cazran.2306


I strongly disagree with you.
As mentioned by numerous other people already it is essential in order to prevent higher leveled players from decimating everything in sight. Due to Guild Wars encouraging people to explore different zones, including other racial starter zones and general exploration for map completion it would occur more than in other typical mmos. Not to mention how easy would it be for level 80’s to go solo low level group evens for masses of free silver, karma and experience.

Reducing the level to scale with the area just gives the game a lot more life, I for one really enjoying exploring around the whole map and seeing the different environments, however If I was one-shotting everything, it would be alot less enjoyable.