Showing Posts For Cerberus.6793:

I dislike paying for season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Cerberus.6793


So I take it most people never considered it an option that Anet could have just released the Living Story season 2 updates as permanent content that is always unlocked when you log in, no matter when you do log in?

Not sure I get why some people really feel like the Living Story needed to be “be there to get it free or pay for it if you miss it” when they always could have just made it an actual free update.

Real life can sometimes throw curveballs such as having to go out of state for a couple weeks/month with no real access to an online video game, so I can definitely understand how easy it could be to miss out on updates. Its not a big price to pay for them, but it still seems unnecessary to me to make them gated behind gems if you weren’t there during the window. Its not like its just costumes/skins etc. its story and lore that will lead to the next game.

I Agree. I was excited to come back after an 18 month hiatus only to find LS S2 gem gated. Funny thing is I was going to drop $100 on gems, but after seeing this I changed my mind. I even persuaded my brother to buy this game thinking that LS season two would be a free permanent update. So much for buying a copy of this game for my other brother.

Wilderness Knowledge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cerberus.6793


Dear Anet,

I’d kindly appreciate it if you could answer this question. Is Entangled meant to work with the trait Wilderness Survival or not?


Wilderness Knowledge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cerberus.6793


It’d be nice if ANET would be able to answer this question. Is Entangled bugged or was it intended not to work with wilderness survival? 12 days now…….

Wilderness Knowledge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cerberus.6793


The ranger trait Wilderness Knowledge doesn’t affect Entangle even though it’s a survival skill. Don’t know if anyone else is having this issue and if it’s been reported already?