Showing Posts For Ceregon.3581:

Daoc Vs Gw2

in WvW

Posted by: Ceregon.3581


I miss the DAoC days terribly! I have put my money into the kickstarter, and anyone who is craving a straight up RvR game needs to head to the link above and become a backer.

They have already raised 750k+ in 3 days. Their goal is 2 million and there is still 27 days left on the kickstarter.

Spread the word folks!

Commander Ceregon
Team Legacy [TL]
Sylvari Mesmer with… wings

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Ceregon.3581


Here is a video of TL representing Kaineg. Most of these fights were during weeks 1 and 2.
POV is Dioem [TL]. Enjoy.

Commander Ceregon
Team Legacy [TL]
Sylvari Mesmer with… wings

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Ceregon.3581


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

Funny… this coming from what I would assume to be the group with 3 thieves / mesmer and a d/d ele? lol, cull much? FOTM much? You should be ashamed that we beat you at least half the fights with a normal group.

Commander Ceregon
Team Legacy [TL]
Sylvari Mesmer with… wings