Showing Posts For Charlie.2109:
To start, I had a problem in the Heart of Maguuma Mastery section. One of the progress bars filled and would not unlock. I switched to another mastery and all corrected itself after a few days.
Now my problem is in the Central Tyria section of masteries. The Pact Commander section is completely unlocked but the other two segments, Legendary Crafting and Fractal Attunement are essentially frozen on the last masteries. The progress bar (As shown in the screenshots bottom right) is full for both and no unlock. I finished the Legendary Crafting first. When it did not unlock, I switched to Fractal Attunement to finish that out. Fractal attunement also refused to unlock when finished.
From the screenshots, i can see you only have one mastery point for Tyria and you need way more than that.
Please note at the bottom of both screen shots: 3,175,000/3,175,000. So yes, it may show less mastery points due to a bug but I earned every point.
To start, I had a problem in the Heart of Maguuma Mastery section. One of the progress bars filled and would not unlock. I switched to another mastery and all corrected itself after a few days.
Now my problem is in the Central Tyria section of masteries. The Pact Commander section is completely unlocked but the other two segments, Legendary Crafting and Fractal Attunement are essentially frozen on the last masteries. The progress bar (As shown in the screenshots bottom right) is full for both and no unlock. I finished the Legendary Crafting first. When it did not unlock, I switched to Fractal Attunement to finish that out. Fractal attunement also refused to unlock when finished.