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J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


If you could get your brains working for 10 seconds without falling asleep Chopps you could think of a lot more situations that affect your ordinary non perma stealth thief. Also perma stealth thief has an easier time countering it.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Rangers can switch between 2 pets. Thiefs can’t switch between 2 stealths. Also Sic ‘Em counters the wrong kind of thieves. If it needs a target it helps virtually 0 against perma stealth build, the one that most people want nerfed. But d/d and other thieves might feel it more. So what’s gonna happen is the number of perma stealth thieves will increase and it’s gonna get even more annoying for everyone, since blackpowder also negates the damage when in revealed. I guess that’s what we all want?

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


I’m sure if it won’t be ‘good enough’ people will make new posts on forums and QQ and nag Anet until they eventually remove stealth at all. xD But if you think you’ll pop a revealed on thief and he’ll sit there and wait for you to casualy dispatch him you’re sadly mistaken There’s gonna be counters to counter stealth.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Yea but by countering Block, Control, Stability, whatever, you don’t make 50% of that player’s traits nonfunctional. Know what I mean?
And yea sic ‘em won’t be used much, so people will qq more, and we’ll be having this discussion again in 2 months, and than again next year.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


Just scares me that it’s probably never going to stop. Today it’s Sic ’EM, who knows what will be tomorrow.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


You missed my point, however, how many people use it is irrelevant. The point is it’s there and people are free to use it if they so choose.

If a thief decides he won’t use a sword to rip boons from guardians, does that mean he should get more other skills that do?

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


The point is thief doesn’t need a nerf. Stealth doesn’t need a nerf. The only thing that needs a nerf is the perma stealth aspect of it. They should make a cooldown on the stealth leap/blast finisher (10 second for example) so people can use the blackpowder+HS combo only to stealth themselves like CnD, and the reason they can’t spamm it if they don’t attack and get revelaed is because blackpowder negates a lot of dmg, so it’s even. Or something.

I mean first it was the stealth traps, now it’s ranger skills what comes next? In the end gw2 is gonna be left with a proffesion that is broken down and noone will play it because it’s not viable anymore. Unless they give us skills that will make elementalists unable to switch atunements, or mesmers to create clones and phantasms. Than it’s fair.

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Chellanius.7526


I’m afraid this 1 counter to stealth won’t be enough…

What exactly is your point with this video? The fact that you put the anti stealth trap on the dead person and stood on him with 5 people and mashed air? (pssst, you want the thief to trigger the trap, not to avoid it). And it didn’t occur to anyone to place the trap on the stairs or above/below the stairs so it’s unavoidable for him?

Some people take situations like this as fun challenges, But there are still people like you, who want everything given to them on a silver platter. With a little cunning and logic that thief wouldn’t survive 1 minute in the tower. If nerfs get done based on the QQing of people like you, I cry for the future of this game and cry for this community.