Showing Posts For Chewwie.9341:

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chewwie.9341


I actually really like the minions, and was a tad bit surprised about not having zombies or skeletons…But, its all been done before. So they went with something a bit different, dead body parts. (Speaking of dead fetus’) I Don’t know if you ever played Dead Space 1 and 2, but that’s what these pets remind me of. Monsters made of dead flesh just looking all sorts of creepy. I like em, just wish they were a bit tougher in WvW, however u can spec them so they explode into a poisonous gas. So sinister >:)

Mesmers & thieves too powerful?

in PvP

Posted by: Chewwie.9341


I don’t find Mesmers to be OP at all, they are fine, however The thief’s move heartseeker that can be argued. And in regards too Necro’s being OP that’s Hogwash. I am a Necro speced for Death Shroud and a thief can burn down my life Force with 2 hits from their heartseeker when it crits…U can properly use your CD’s fear, blind, vulnerability effectively dodge rolling, but a thief will always have the upper hand due to there burst damage. A thief does tremendous damage against clothes. We spend half our time running off just to heal up, or too find a group member, normally a warrior or guardian…Thiefs are built for single target damage, so the instant they have the upper hand your stuck in a rut… Heartseeker is just beyond ridiculous… been hit for 9k by it several times that’s 1/3rd of my health and its a direct attack…elementalist’s have 18k+/- health depending, so i feel sorry for them… The only class I can see 3v1ing anybody is a warrior or a guardian… focus any clothe and they die faster then the rest, even a Necromancer.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chewwie.9341


I just wanted to mention a few things i noticed about Elementalists….

This is mostly for Scepter dagger.

Arc lightning: Often i get stuck in the animation and I continue using the move, no damage is happening just stuck in the animation and shooting worthless lighting out of my hands. my auto attack is off.

Ride the Lighting and updraft need fixing :sometimes it will only move 20ft then stop and updraft will activate with a rather large delay as if I just went the full 1200 ft completely missing the target. I disabled auto target yet when i click off target and try to use RTL to widen the gap i shoot backwards towards my target…

Mist form: Some times when I use this ability I cant move, I’m still stuck in the CC i was originally in…or i get stunned again in mist form… shouldn’t it brake stun and be immune to it… it should also move through people, i mean, your mist? At least It hasn’t let me.

Did they nerf Elementalist Damage? For how squishy they are they don’t seem to put out damage like they should be…Spec high crit whatever… S/D is just sad sad sad, even knowing hot to stance dance. Silly, when you know the other class’ are putting out the damage you should be….after all a LIGHT armor class should normally have more base stat crit or power due to their lack in armor and toughness. most other class’ burst harder than especially Thiefs…Lawl to Thiefs, where is the skill in 2 hitting clothies…Being and Ele i feel all glass w/o the cannon. Warriors hitting like a train and take damage like one too…unfortunately WE Elementalist when targeted spend half our time running away… I’ve gotten pretty good at it…we have to act like ninja’s without stealth and good damage…

please remove auto attack from WvWvW and PvP where’s the skill in that?