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in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


cant update client connection fails?
had to reptedly try to connect to start patch

Tempest, Elite skill specifically.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


I’d rather that the elite as a shout was a incantation for a massive aoe dmg skill… you know like maelstrom with all the interrupts and all amd not a watered down skill like meteor storm is with its missing knockdowns. Goodness even if it had to be what it is a instant cast of next skill or next skill recharges instantly would be better and scrap the party play entirely.

Ever gonna fix minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


He either has magical necro that works or he is convinced that the behavior of the ai is as intended
But I’ve seen Those that think the unresponsive is as It should be
I’ve even seen these individual’s try to explain away the ai glichy minion behaviors as being coded that way on deliberate fixed delays before attacking. To that I cry bs
Anet has posted before that they know it’s an issue
That they are working on it and that it would require complete rewrite of the entire games ai system to fix as the bug was heavily intertwined into the system.
Do note how long it took to recode culling to fix that issue.

Also minion didn’t work like that on launch and only got worse with patches from time to time getting fix only to break next patch. They have been never reliable since “pets” got a fixed max range from player patched in. We all miss the days when even just taping a targeted skill instantly sent your minions after your foe

And currrently No skill functions any better than others to incite minions to ask, and yea even the minions active skills dont help
At times it may motivate some but half my minions will still sit there doing nothing for ages, most of the time. And then i will be Waiting for up to a minute at taking a target using any skill or combo of skills to try to get my minions to engage my foe. Frankly it is bs I’ve tried them all
I’m glad if even half engage my target and I am watching them and the combat log as I play.

best results ive even seen is with all combat assist option like target lock auto atk and prmote skill target and the others all unticked in the options then I get some improvement with marks. And yes this is during quite sever times. It’s Not a lag issue. The pet on ranger is way more responsive.

(edited by Chiemi.3781)

Necromancer pets will not always attack.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


With how how bad the ai is on minions even on the ranged ones I can attack a mob for up to full minute and and the minions still wouldn’t haven’t moved to assist let alone started attacking the mob. Regardless of what skills I tried. Often I’m lucky if half of them engage any given target.
And yes I’m tracking their often lack thereof contribution during combat with the combat log when I play my necro.

Just a thought
At least give us a minion command box like they did when you pressed y in Gw1. On That tab allowed you to toggle minions behavior to agressive and passive or even force attacks from minions. Some ability to key bind these options would be nice too

(edited by Chiemi.3781)

Throwing traps gone.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


Hidden barbs 33% more bleed dmg
Refined toxins hits poison 10 sec icd
And poison master 25% more poison dmg
Plus trappers expertise make for a massive conditions burst
One question is if one should go lb to lure in foes and use full condo dps runes
Or gp trapper runes with a bow or other for stealth
Depends on how conditions armor plays out
hoping to final get 2000+ conditions dmg on ranger

PU Shatter anyone? Mass Invis=10s?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


Don’t forget mimic for double use of any of those

Condi minion build v2 - feedback pls

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


Depends on if vamp present works on minions and if unholy would reabsorb conditions of minions.
Plus I always felt unholy was underwhelming and like bhawb would take transfer for the stomp denial

Goodbye Counterplay?

in PvP

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


Nope you see correct no more moving across the map like the wind

Movement change big nerf to condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


I understand your concerns regarding how they will inqnore soft cc. But I still see it as a plus as those skills without the speed boost never moved very far or very fast and will now only move what is on the tool tip. They wont be traveling the +100% range they do with speed mods now. As I see it enemies will have to get a lot closer now to get to you, for the most part and enemies won’t be able to get out of range now just by using a mobility skill, when they start to lose they won’t be able to get out of range at the tap of one skill anymore. Most of them without the op speed mods only went like 600 a few at 1000. Ride the lightning already functions under these rules from what ive read and it’s not op.
In any case the use of leap gap closers and the necromancers lack of them has always been a source of contention.

(edited by Chiemi.3781)

Movement change big nerf to condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chiemi.3781


I disagree in fact I think it’s a boon
As now all moment skills will function as if the player had no speed buffs passive or otherwise and won’t travel very far at all. Try some of those mobility skills without any boons or passive speed modifications and you will see.