Showing Posts For Chilly.2087:
Still unable to log in.
Whenever I try to use my Hall of Monuments portal stone, it shows me the Lions Arch loading screen for a split second and then my game crashes. Also something that just started today for me, whenever I try to leave a party my game crashes.
Hey everyone, been a while since I’ve uploaded a video. I definitely had the time on my hands the other day to finally do one. In the video you’ll notice me cut to fights where the other person is already lower, I did this to save time in the video so it wasn’t seven minutes long. Anyways, hope you like the video! Video
As the topic says, is the any chance of instanced raids? I understand that anet was looking for a “raid content designer.”
Mace for warrior is amazing paired with Axe/Mace and play with dual-wielding trait in strength. Another good weapon set is the old fashioned Mace/Shield with GS in offset. Skull crack and then swap to gs for hundred blades.
Hey everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything to YouTube mostly because I’ve been grinding in PvE for Bolt. I decided to go ahead and just add the clip of me making Bolt in the beginning for idk, maybe a “change” in the typical videos going straight into fights. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!
Hey guys, sharing my video of me playing triple medi zerker guardian. It was a blast playing it!
helo, this is dog. chase me.
helo dog 1 this is dog 3.
Ah, I can still see that WFD still acts like a group of 12 year old kids playing Call of Duty. Poor sportsmanship, poor manners and very poor skill.
i can haz twink too?
ribbit. am frog.
nobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the banknobody robs the bank
r u srs u got robbed
NA b playin in wvw wit all dat cheese like
save all your gifs like that and it wont distort!
i lyke my women how i lyke m truck drivers. large an in charge
r u srs. lvl 21 and i am declared cheese. wow my lyfe iz complete.
it isnt because you’re lvl 21, its because all roaming guilds run the same thief/warrior/mesmer builds. So if anything you running one of those builds but yet calling a mesmer who decides to Moa you cheese…yeah, pot-kettle. Its up to you how you play though, keep on back stabbing.
I thought you were declared chilly. I guess you are cheese chilly now :P
“Cheese chilly” /facepalm, “Chilly Cheese” sounds so much better, if youre gonna do it, get it right!
NA b playin in wvw wit all dat cheese like
(edited by Chilly.2087)
pls am just an uplevel. no need to hug ur keepz!!!
o an y u moa me.
Not particularly sure what you’re trying to get at with this post. Are you implying he shouldn’t be talking because he hugs keeps as well, or is directed at the screen shot where he calls the mesmer cheese, in which case you’re saying he is cheese as well?
BUNS has deemed him cheese.
r u srs. lvl 21 and i am declared cheese. wow my lyfe iz complete.
Hey guys, just presenting my latest video of full glass warrior.
In the video I’m 100% zerker. Traits are, 30 (III, X, XI) , 10 (IV) , 0, 0, 30 (V, IX, XI).
Ladies and gentlemen, id like to pause for a moment so we can give Ehmry Bay a round of applause for the terrific efforts.
(edited by Chilly.2087)
dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 reporting for duty
or should i say charles xavier 1 charles xavier 2 charles xavier 3
we r in cerebral reading ur mind
ladeez n gentlmenz, id lyke 2 introduce da reel INISHALEYZ.
dis message wuz sponsored by bakercat.
Cheers! Me too!
Finding a fair fight against Mag has got to be one of the most difficult things I’ve done.
I agree with this, as it was extremely way too easy to give 25 stacks of confusion as a warrior. Every interrupt i would grant 9 stacks. (Distracting Strikes trait + Perpelexity runes)
I can’t even be mad anymore. At this point I’m just sad. pveeeeeee time.
Good job anet.
I’d like to say good 2v5 fight against HK minus the poor player charr guardian. Was a good long fight even though you guys had the advantage of your spawn being nearby. XD
UPDATE: I found one of the HK thieves a part of the 2v5 and he wanted to duel. I’d like to share my experience with you.
I’d like to say good 2v5 fight against HK. Was a good long fight even though you guys had the advantage of your spawn being nearby. XD
(edited by Chilly.2087)
Arenanet broke WvW, US Government is shut down, Breaking Bad is over, no Walking Dead for another two weeks…This is how wars start.
Don’t forget GTA V Online is currently broken.
Auto attacked to death by power necro and condi warrior’d.
I think i’ll cope with that. I would’ve have kept dueling if your entire group weren’t such morons and ganked 6vs1.
I wasn’t sure if it was true, the whole ’ roam are all runnings cheese ’ but holy crap, lol.
See you at fightclub ~
bro, do u even 1080p?
Solo’d [roam] 5-man group again.
Seriously guys get good lmao.
u tell em br0
just wondering if [NA] r bad or they must rally from raptors in 1v1 to win
then I come back for another 1v1 and they gank me 1v3
wow r u srs? i beet u d00d
lol xD ur right
u wont even duel me br0
just wondering if [NA] r bad or they must rally from raptors in 1v1 to win
then I come back for another 1v1 and they gank me 1v3
wow r u srs? i beet u d00d
ty for considering me worthy enough to mortar for 5 minutes straight before I finally moved ioj person who is very dedicated to his siege.
Doin what they do best.
I’ve never seen fotm carry a group as hard as it carries roam. And apparently cause I choose not to fight them 1v5 I’m classified as “Running back to siegerazer”. See the joke only works when it is IoJ and you run from any fight that you don’t outnumber 3:1. And tell your thief there is more to s/d then spamming 3. He might spend less time on the ground then.
I’m glad we made you angry enough to post on the forums about it. <3
Looking for 5v5’s to anybody interested.
Totally mad right now, not just incredibly bored with everyone that I run into being either garbage or garbage getting carried by fotm. And I’m sure some of my other members would gladly 5v5 you. I personally will pass cause structured fights are already boring enough without the ZZZZZ of bunker condi fotm.
Sorry we made you bored Canuck.
Us girls, just wanna havekittenuuuuun. Uuuuuuus girrrrls just waaaannna have fuuuuuuun.
can you tell me this months fotm build for ele. i dont wanna run dd anymore
Full conjured weapons you cat.
To the [NA] either D/D or S/D ele last night…Good god you hit like a truck. My poor mesmer still doesn’t know what hit it.
Sorry to bring back a bad memory but I may have added that clip to a kys’ kitten s people montage that I just started, lol
I shall be added more and more all week long so come join the fun and get 1 shot =] <33333
halp, am lost. what r these forums.
Hahaha, you ran that stupid focus build against other people, too, Winter? Here comes the new meta!
Sorry I couldn’t make it. You are definitely one of my favorite dueling partners. We’ll have to plan a date next time we get matched up.
Hello Henge of Denravi and Darkhaven! I will be hosting a Fight Club and everyone is welcome!
*Location – Crystal Desert Borderlands under Hero’s Lodge Camp
Time – 5 PM Server Time.Standard Rules/Tips:
- /bow before each duel
- Duels end when the opposed is downed
- If an interruption divides a duel, please warn the player that an event is occurring and should be told to immediately stop interrupting. If the player continues the interruption, the opposed should down the interrupting player. Finishing a player is absolutely unnecessary and is not tolerated.
- Team Duels are allowed, if you would like to start one, each team must have equal amounts of players, and the duel initiates when all team players /bow. The team duel is finished when the opposing players are finished and the last person is downed. You may resurrect your team player if they’re downed, but not when they’re finished until the team duel is complete.
- Siege weapons and items from the “Traps and Tricks” outfitter is not permitted.
- No Stacks are permitted. ex. Corruption, Perception, Bloodlust, Life, Luck, Applied Fortitude, Guard Leech, etc.I hope to see many people there as I have seen on the forums, hope everyone can make it!
If there are any questions about this event, please whisper me anything you misunderstand before Fight Club.
Fight Club will start in approximately 9 hours and 15 minutes.
So I see that HoD has stolen [NA]’s superior T1 tactics…..
Shiiiiiieaatttt… that’s nothing! Check this out!
That’s so last season…
You’re so 2000 late. I’m sure DH remembers the DR rp walkers.
So I see that HoD has stolen [NA]’s superior T1 tactics…..
Dang man, what’s that song playing in the background of your guild chat?
It’s like a dubstep haiku for people who don’t know how to count.
I’d love to tell you, but then id have to kill you.
Hard to find good 1v1 fights against CD – they all seem to turn into 1vX. Oh well. It’s good practice.
Conceptually speaking, generally rule of thumb is virtually, DH are bags, loot many.
Coming from the server that tucks tail and runs when they start losing people to numbers half their size. CD and SoS should have a dream date, you might find you have a lot in common.
Really? Because I can never seem to find an even fight against DH or HoD.
Please check out my videos and let me know what you think!
Nice borderlands DR… oh… wait.
Also apologizing to the Christmas Dolyak I killed. I’m sorry, I had to. It hurt me more than it hurt you.
Yeah, it’s pretty sad. DR is on a decline and our coverage is getting worse. The new PvE content kind of took us over the edge, and people are losing interest in WvW and doing that.
IoJ has been there before. If it gets really bad for you guys just aim to have fun. Don’t stress out.
Hey I remember you! I stole your golem blueprints awhile back and you went and cried on the forums!