Showing Posts For Chinchilla.8640:

Warrior greatsword dps. (never use hundred blades)

in Warrior

Posted by: Chinchilla.8640


This is pretty interesting. A few things:

1) Guys, stop posting with your accumulated hundred blades numbers. We know, we all have seen those numbers.
2) Even if this topic should prove false, it’s pretty eye opening to see that hundred blades and auto-attack are closer than we thought in considering dps.
3) Also, did you take into account the cooldown after each auto attack combo?

I’d say to actually try it out before criticizing.

(edited by Chinchilla.8640)

Perfect WvWvW warrior build (so you guys can stop whine)

in Warrior

Posted by: Chinchilla.8640


Just because you stack toughness/vitality on gear, doesn’t make the build any less glass cannon. The build is glass cannon.

I appreciate you sharing your tactics though. That much is valuable.

Bigger/Smaller Armor Pieces? An alternative Look.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chinchilla.8640


I’m an Asura warrior. I’m proud, it’s cool, yeah. But I was also having a bit of trouble looking for great pieces that met my satisfaction. Particularly, I felt that some pieces were too small (shoulder) while some pieces were huge (big Asura head).

I then thought, maybe I should suggest different sizes of an armor with the same model? It would bring along more distinctiveness in a person’s look without too much trouble (I’m guessing).

Any thoughts?

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Chinchilla.8640


Let me know what else I should add! Also, my backdrop sucks :/

I went with kind of an Ironman look. I think only Asurans can pull this off this well.


+healing and banner regen/ shout heal

in Warrior

Posted by: Chinchilla.8640


I’m working on a banner/shout warrior, and I was wondering how many +healing would be efficient or even noticeably beneficial going into dungeon explorer. My armor consists mainly of valkyrie and knight. I was thinking of maybe just putting healing gems to make the jump to a banner/shout warrior.

My question is would gems/runes be enough to help me efficiently heal an explorer’s dungeon? Do I even need +healing gear? I’m basically looking for a benchmark for the stat.