Showing Posts For Chocolate.1487:
interesting question, but usually you have mulstiple burn skills, so they should add up(if u stacked several bonuses) but i wouldn’t take runes/sigils for that, there is much better stuff to take.
for wvw id say lvl30 is optimal cause u have a full set of skills/elite. for sPvP u might as well b lvl 1 it doesn’t matter.
@ Knote : that’s why you have bloodlust on an offhand or secondary wep, so you have both bloodlust stacks working while ur roflstompin with firesigil =)
ah kitten it works on both weps wherever you put it, you just made my day =D
@Chocolate 2x accuracy is good for ANY crit build, if he’s going for the passive 5% crit then that’s 10% bonus crit, if he’s going for the 5% crit and the stacking (they’re both named accuracy) then you’ll get TONS of crit from that if you don’t go down!
@OP When i go for damage i like to rock a Fire and Air sigil combo, i tend to enjoy paving my way in the blood and tears of my enemies as i rock them with my engies 107% crit chance =D!
i think some sigils only work on the wep u equip them on, fire on main hand wont proc on ur offhands abilities, 5%crit on each wep is 5%crit for each weps abilities not 10%, but im not sure il test it tonight and repost on this.
i take it you don’t know about the normal pvp vendors with sigils and runes. they are to the right when u reach the mists, get ur customaized free stats from there for any gear u own.
azura power suit elite, and all power suits during quests have a bugged ‘barrage of missles’ they always ends after 1/4 of the channel when i assume it should be like S-7 series golem long channel with high dmg.
I prefer 2x accuracy.
for what classes?
Superior sigil of air is the best sigil for single target dps, fire for aoe dps.
i wont disagree, but aoe man, aoe =)
Sigil of fire/greater fire on main wep + sigil of bloodlust on offhand. (fire on a 2hander and secondary wep set should have bloodlust on the offhander).
These sigils are meant for crit/power builds for maximizing roflstompsin pve AND pvp.
These sigils work for all classes if you are playing a crit/power build, for single target AND exceptionally well for aoe.
-sigil of fire does around 2k dmg per proc with a 5s cd(at lvl80). when you use aoe/bouncing attacks each target you hit counts for a proc chance, so it’s much higher than the stated 30% chance of hitting with it.
notes for fire sigil:
-mesmer:phantasms don’t proc fire sigil, works fine on GS since it hits 3times/attack.
-necromancer:works good on staff.
-ranger:nice add-on to a power SB and mele weps.
-engineer: untested, i do not think fire sigil and engineers mix.
-rest of classes:roflstomp+1
Once a player/mob is dying switch to bloodlust weapon set for the might stacks. stacks stay on all wep sets as long as you don’t get downed.
some do some don’t you’re prolly from the latter group
Thief is not a problem for you? OMG tell me how you do, because im an engineer holder and… look at this: (Damage) (My Stats)Really Toughness do something? or is a useless stat?
Really not going to do anything about it ANet?
ahahaha, also we’re mainly talking about necros here for some reason.
back to necros: well of darkness with 5sec blind/chill + syphoons life + gives protection to all your team followed by another well mayb even a 3rd well = 10-15seconds of protection /syphoon + the chills and other effects, no, we did not take these skills to handle thieves(just pop shroud and gg vs thief) but to dominate team fights (believe me 10+seconds of wells over the normal staff marks and scepter aoes will hurt or force opponents out of your area) wich make them totally worth the CD vs the time they last. (not all of them are 48s with trait)
next stop you let me know what other class can pop 1 skill that gives 5seconds of recurring blindness/chill or just blindness =P wtf are these kittens talking about not worth the cd =P AHahahahaha. (chain your wells)
elem utility and elites are pretty terrible.
ele fire sword would b awsome if u didnt have 1hp as a dps ele that you cant go so near to anything and use it. the tornado needs to be upgraded to a t10 tornado not a t1.
Basilisk Venom is pretty terrabad Lyuben. And the Flesh Golem for Necromancer is pretty kitten poor too.
Basilisk Venom, Flesh Golem, and Mortar are probably the three worst in the game. (Not counting Racials)
basilik and Mortar yesh!! Flesh Golem is the only pvp elite worth taking on a necro lol i don’t know what you are talking about =D perma cripple/aoe knockdown….. . .. . . . . . .. . . .oh yeah and it hits for 1k.
coming back to Mortar… as it is now it’s not even worth taking if it wasn’t an elite just a normal skill.
make like something like the canon in capricorn map with limited ammo and half the CD, so u put it up, has 3000range+ shoot a few hits(3-4) for 5k then its out of ammo and u continue ur life, it wont really kill any1 but it would hurt team fights nicely. Or make it like one of teh WvW siege weapons, with lower CD and limited ammo.
Also i liked the robot idea much better =D
@Sirevanac.3178 i agree fully with you when i tried thief i came to the conclusion that conditions/shadow with caltrops and pull line is the good stuff, they run out of caltrops, u pull them back pop 3 twice and stealth while waiting! but it got boring i keep rotating classes =)
yeah the little kitten talking how thieves 1 shot necros hasn’t played gw2, mayb he played the first week retail then started playing forums or wrath of the pokemons or some …t lol.
it’s an old builder so 3rd trait line has:shared anguish III and Hide in plain sight IX.
Rampager’s Amulet, Divinity, Earth.
stats: 2500atk, 820conditions, 63%crit chance, 47%crit dmg, 2.2armor, 19k HP.
Fun Build using both crits for dmg and conditions. double axe for some reflecting funny, or sharpen blades and aoe thoose bleeds to a whole enemi team.
use any weps u prefer
(edited by Chocolate.1487)
OP is right, when i play necro wells build, i have never died to a thief, i’ll go as far as saying one time it was 3thieves vs me solo, and i lived over 1 min till help arrived and had already had them all at less than 30% hp. the little kittens saying thieves are so strong play like 10min/week fight 1 thief then rage quit cause they can’t play for ’’’t.
-as far as pvp goes, i play all classes but not ele. i USED to play ele, but it’s the bottom feeder of pvp,only viable build is the tank staff support, and that isn’t fun more than a few hours.
Before even considering downed skills, i have never seen an ele in sPvP and not laughed,in team fights or 1v1 they’re the creme de la creme of easy kill no matter what you play. Even a extremely skilled ele doesn’t stand a chance vs decent anything all they can do is heal and run and heal and run then ride the lightning out.
-OH, and then you look at downed state, someone said mele will auto stomp, well so will ranged lol, i have never seen any ele have time to root even a ranged since they’ll dodge to your face instantly and BB.
-i’m talking out of experience playing the class and against the class.(was my main,until i found out how far ahead every other class/build is).
-no i don’t are if they fix them or not i don’t play it and won’t.(not until i c viable downed and viable not downed states/start with more than 5base hp)
um, its all good i have a similar wells build for my necro but , you do realise that mark 4 isn’t meant to be put down immediatly? lol. It sends back all conditions from ur allies(and you) to nearby enemies, and i’d suggest using it once the fight has been around a while in team or if ur gettin ditioned in 1v1. (also scepter 4 does the same+blind/chill) gl/hf
i should make a vid of how easy it is to kill a HS thief with any class without taking traits even, but im too lazy you guys have fun not being able to kill weakest build in the game lol.-chocolate out
sharks, lords, auto balance, underwater combat, burst, retaliation, haste, mesmers, guardians, 5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting, 10 second cc, bugged tournament chests, bugged skills, ‘its not OP you can dodge it’, ‘its not OP you just cant deal with it yet’, endless loading screens, magically removing conditions while touching the waters surface, magically going immune while touching the waters surface, lagspikes, bugged traits, downed state, imbalanced downed states, multiple classes with 1 shot abilties with lower cooldown than the 10 sec dodge regen, stupid scoring system, only 20% boost from winning, zerging in wvw, zerging in 8v8, one shotting trebs, cannons, release feeling worse than beta weekends, just a handful of maps, no arena like GW1, general lack of pvp attention from devs.
the fine: Sharks: np stop playin towel build; Lords: np easy; Auto balance:necessary evil,unless u wanto play 7v2; Burst: np refer to sharks; Retaliation: np refer to sharks; Mesmers: some classes kill them like cake others dont, its about your aoe;Guardians: refer to mesmers.10s CC:this isnt a 1v1 game.
it’s not OP you can dodge it: game is balance with dodge being considered,also refer to sharks.
1 shot abilities: refer to sharks, if u play with 1hp and 2armor u will get 1 shot yarr.Zergin in wvwvw: hard to get people to follow more finessed tactics; Zerging in 8v8: Pugs cant coordinate easily due to the amount of Kittens and no obviously worthy leader/TS. One shot cannons: refer to sharks.
no blabla like gw1: give it time it just came out they have other priorities atm.
The Bad: Underwater Combat: Bugged Kitten capricorn map needs to be removed till its fixed.
5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting:that could use a fix.Buggs need fixing but dont seem on high priority yet.
‘’Or what seems to happen, people play with mediocre skill and have no idea what the other classes can do.’’
I duno man its easy to try all classes in GW2 unlike other MMOes, people can easily find out lol.
meh this thread thing is bugged.
CyrealKylla, no skills do 17k dmg to good players, those skills get +5x dmg to Kittens.
And the guy who said Moa Birds can’t Dodge needs to stop posting cause he doesn’t know anything about GW2.
(edited by Moderator)
mmm you can smell the experienced players trying to give advice, and the little ragers not listening lol. if u have 10hp and towel armor ,you don’t know how to look around you, and have 0 defensive skills, you’re gona have a bad day no matter what attacks you.
hmmm, if you have good aoe/or conditions mesmers are easy. If you rely on single target skills you’re gona have a bad time.
So in the end of the day, i’m trying to find a way to help put strength behind peoples posts, since it takes 1000+ hours to reach r60+ like some people said you would think said person knows alot about pvp regardless of his skill.
but since more people regard rank as invaluable to thread strength, what would be best to look for.
ps :DangerMonkey.3158: ‘’rank = games played not skill’’
rank= experience imo, you might play with 0 skill but know every twist in traits/skills and pvp tactics.
mmmk seems like no1 likes the idea.
(edited by Chocolate.1487)
Hey, i’d just like to start a trend where people place their current rank under any thread/reply they post so we can c, what level of experience a person has, wich in turn can help validate if what he/she has to say is worth it,
ex: a r5 asking about HS being OP, we can try to help them out,
a r40 helping out, we can take advice.
a r1 trollin: flag for noob spam.
—mmmm, nah. most thiefs u see are HS spam noobs or pistol whippers, both
builds are good to finish off glass cannons or the dying.
—The real thief build is DD conditions build with caltrops and pull.
caltrops being a big aoe that keeps stacking bleeds/sec and has a 15s+ cripple. people will dodge out ofc, so u pull back in and win.
(dont forget u can stack 3 bleeds/duel skill while being in evasiveness,then stealth out while waiting on cds)::: that is the thief build that needs to be looked at, and i dont say it cause im worried from other players, it is just that i play it often and know how OP it is, if you face some1 with extreme cond remove then u can just stealth/sb out.
—as for other classes, it’s like the more experienced people are saying: learn the game.
—starting point: wars HB followed by a ‘war burst skill’ will out dps any other class by like 4 times. Thief burst is nothing in comparison.
—Secondly If you die to a HS only thief from 100% then you need to research more on how to play, the only place a HS is worth it is when you are dying for a big finish.
—And thirdly,DD conditions thief with caltrops and pull= ahahahahah needs a nerf i play that and its sick, nuff said.
LMFAO there’s two types of players those that lie, and those that tell the truth.
So smart guy explain to me how a stun breaker helps WHEN YOUR DAZED!!
Your gonna all pretend that hundred blades isn’t used directly after a daze it’s hilarious
first off, its usually a stun called bull charge that wars use before hb. second off shiNn.2571 put in all the valid points. Once you learn to play, they are not such a big issue. Moa bird is quite OP that i can agree on. pistol whip is the weakest thief build in the game, even spam 2 wins that. and sure standin a quickened hb is gona hurt but like shiNn.2571 says, breake stun/go immune /or dodge /stop playin with 10k hp and 5 armor.