Showing Posts For ChopStixNA.4167:
i was in the same boat. i didn’t like hot starting out. didn’t know anything bout the zone or how to train gliding. i remember that first jump off the cliff and the glider didn’t open. whats it been? 2 weeks since release? after that first death, i started playing dungeon defenders 2 for like a week.
i have two brothers who play so that’s what made me come back… to give it another try. ironically, i haven’t grouped with them during hot even once. i put some effort in to run with the crowd to do the metas and this slowly opened up the whole map. i slowly was learning to unlock the masteries. in about a week, i learned to enjoy the zone. what i didn’t understand, i googled or watched videos.
i’m now to a point where i am participating in t4 day/nights with higher success rate. today, ive been in at least 4 good t4 runs but i crashed out 3 times at the end, which is an entirely different frustration. but i have two bladed chest boxes so far and the 3rd is to come.
at first, the only boss i was doing was the legendary wyvern only because i didn’t know any better. now, i’m downing other bosses first and helping where need be. you’ll eventually get there if you really find it worth your time. i think for some however, like it was for myself, you have to find something about the game that makes it fun.
with any game i play, if I’m interested enough, i google the game and research it. one of my bros is totally opposite even if he really likes the game or has played it for years.
Hi everyone,
I recently got back into playing GW2 about two weeks ago. I stopped playing during the Gauntlet event and Aetherblade attacks. PC went out and the laptop couldn’t really handle the game, but now that I have a new PC, I’m really appreciating the game. I’ve been doing stuff solo, exploring and jumping in and out of WVW games, and finding the random jumping puzzles here and there. The graphics are really amazing.
I got into crafting to help lvl some and then I heard about ascended crafting. I saw the ascended spinal blades and immediately said I wanted to work towards getting them – the red ones. I’m now 400 skill lvl in armorsmith and will be spending some of the gold I acquired from farming SilverWastes. I’ve gotten to the exotic spinal blades and here is my issue. I didn’t know how much gold the Static Assault Knight Power Cores were going to be. 20g per and I need 10. Upon finding this out, I thought there was no way I could afford completing it any time soon.
If someone has a spare Power Core to give, that would be awesome. Also looking for a guild that does events and farming. Would love to run with a pack into the new content… TIA.