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Berserker's Pit Fighter Chest graphic glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chophop.3967


one more screeny


Berserker's Pit Fighter Chest graphic glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chophop.3967


On the Beserker’s Pit Fighter Chest I get a an anomaly where a static model of the cooresponding glove of the Berserker’s Pit Fighter set floats beside my left hip, with a rubberband connected to my Toon’s actual glove.

I’ve had others preview the chest piece in-game and they report the same glitch.

Fix plz and thks!


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


Oh and you cry to kain all day bout ppl dancing on your body. Well look at this idiot who feels the need to act like mr cool guy who almost died to 1 person with 5 ppl covering his back.

God … You’re always dead…

p.s. drop that fotm war spec and get some real dmg! ;D

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


Duelers suck at incidental pvp … “Wait, I wasn’t ready!”

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


We have a very small guild of friends. All we want is good back and forth fights in WvW… Why is this so hard? I’ll tell you…

What makes a good back and forth battle?
-even numbers
-even skill
-even organization

… On paper the above is a recipe for a front line battle.

In GW2, out of those three criteria I gave above, one is a wildy unstable variable … can you guess which one?

People want to win. The variables that people can control in this game that effect WvW performance are; skill, organization, and population. Out of those the easiest variable to control is population becuase of the ability to transfer to a larger more active WvW server, i.e. increasing your numbers.

Skill takes time,
Organization takes communication, but …

…Increasing numbers in your favor takes a couple mouse clicks…

Until server transfers are restricted, this will continue to be a commonality in WvW.

p.s. I’m on Kaineng

How to kill the thief in WvW scenario

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


“How to kill a Thief in WvW?”

1. Be a beserker glass cannon Warrior
2. Have endure pain and frenzy up
3. Let thief attack you
4. Pop endure pain and frenzy
5. Cripple and melt Theif

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


I’ll bite, I was not being as mature as I could have been. Maybe we can settle this like mature adults sometime, probably not though

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


W/e … The guy buffed himself, ran at me, I knocked him back, pow pow pow, he evades toward me, throws his axe, I evade behind, pop buffs, he dies … then of course, he wasnt ready, but thats my fault and I should give him an immediate rematch after he berated me with “noob”, “I’m ranked number 11th around here”, and “no warrior has ever beat me!”.

…He insults me, I called him out, he accepted, I stomped his butt, he didn’t like, I refuse a rematch based on his attitude, he really doesn’t like that and begins to insult some more…

I’m sorry StormWolf, whats that you were alluding to about childish behavior?

p.s. I could post the hate tells he sent after the fact if you’d like

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Chophop.3967


well switched to DR since they movin up a tier and there will be some good fights. Got tired of the new kaineng. Other then the main guilds the pugs here are dumb as bricks.

Takin most of kainengs map was fun today tried to get a battle marker on every gate for the lols.

Ahhhhahahahahaha … you switched servers on the day i whooped your butt in a sPvP duel after i called you out in WvW?!


p.s. vakat said, “What?! i’m ranked number 11th around here, nobody beats me!!!”

p.s.s. AAAAhahahahahaha!