Here’s the deal, NCSoft has struck out with so many titles. They would have filed Chapter 11 a decade ago if it wasn’t for the strong Korean support for the Lineage series.
The only other series that have black in their book, Guild Wars. Lineage 1 and 2 are dead games, and Guild Wars is still active.
Now that they released Wildstar on the back of GW2 profits and released the Chinese version; isn’t it time to keep the lone money-making product in good favor?
Come out with a full expansion. Put in GvG, massive new maps, new weapons and races, and go ahead and charge me for it. The money I’ve spent on the Steam sale alone (all to keep from being bored while waiting for new content and in between raids) would equal the cost of a $40-$60 expansion.
Teaspoon bits of LS and no PvP/WvW support is not going to keep our interest much longer.