Showing Posts For ChrisIsACamal.9460:

[Teef] All Thief Raid Planning (NA)

in Thief

Posted by: ChrisIsACamal.9460


I can do any zerk build you guys want me to since I have zerk ascended forms of every weapon except pistols.
I also just realised I don’t have any food, any suggestions on what to get?

[Teef] All thief Raid Recruiting

in Thief

Posted by: ChrisIsACamal.9460


Full ascended zerk armor and weapons.

You kidding me?

in Thief

Posted by: ChrisIsACamal.9460


Don’t forget that our old feline grace was basically a third dodge. They took out half our acrobatics trait line and put it back in as daredevil. We have to pay in order to get closer to our former glory.

[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)

in Thief

Posted by: ChrisIsACamal.9460


I still havn’t gotten an invite and I’m not in 5 guilds

[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)

in Thief

Posted by: ChrisIsACamal.9460


IGN: Lividus Fuscus
Playstyle: PvE/WvW
Server: Isle of Janthir
Experience with thief: Pretty much the only class I have played. In WvW I like using DD and assassinating people because I like it when they message me about how angry they are.