Showing Posts For Cirillo.7945:

Back after a long time!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirillo.7945


It has been nearly 3-4 months since I last played this game. I played hardcore int he first few months and now am trying to make a comeback. I feel overwhelmed can someone give me an update as to what I have missed, or would anyone want to fill me in ? I have 2 level 80 Char atm Last I remember ( Updates).

I feel as though I wont know whats going on when I log in. I want to get back into GW@ just need a bit of help and a push to get be back on.

Thanks in advance,

Please Advice New player

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cirillo.7945


Hey all, I was just wondering if you guys could point me to a good PVE build. I have been reading a lot about shatter, however have no clue of a specific build. Can someone please explain me on or post it, it would be a great help

Thank you.

New To Guild Wars , Please some advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirillo.7945


I been watching videos about eles and to b e honest I am worried that I may be overwhelmed with all the switching forms and mastering spells for each element. Is this the case, or does it come quite easily? Also I have been looking at the mesmer and they seem fun how do they fair in sPVP and WvWvW?

New To Guild Wars , Please some advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirillo.7945


Thank you for all the info, Im guessing when you say ELES you mean elemtentalist? and I am not sure the difference between WvWvW and SPVP can someone explain. I am looking to this game to be my long term one, and am excited to play. Also is there a race in specific to chose with ELE. and are both ELE and Meser easy to use in PVE?

Thanks again

New To Guild Wars , Please some advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cirillo.7945


Hey everyone,

I am currently waiting for my MAC client to install and am super excited to get into the game. I have been doing a lot of research to try and give myself an edge but I have to ask the most nebbish question ever.

Being new to GW I need to ask which class should I role. Generally I love MAGE like characters, but I’d like a char who can excel in PVP. Please chime In as I am more than happy to listen to suggestions. I am Open to any class, I just want to enjoy playing them and be able to do well enough in PVP to help out.

Also if there are any guides about the race and class please post them also.

Thanks a million