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questions about Fractal level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ciuby.4976


  1. complete a run on lvl x and you can do lvl x+1. A run consists of 3 or 4 fractals.

So, if i make (for example) one fractal each day in 3/4 day i get level up?

Awesomium Process

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ciuby.4976


Rly thx for the answer!

Awesomium Process

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ciuby.4976



Anyone know what is this process? it’s in “D:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\gw2cache-{BD141396-A678-1600-9513-14BD78A60016}” and every time i’ll start to play GW2 for an hour this process make a run and take me a lot of connection and i get lag (cause i’m playing with internet key) so i’ll end it soon and everything back normally but, what is?

(Sorry for may bad english)

Buying your own piece of Tyria

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ciuby.4976


It’s the best suggestion i’ve ever seen for an MMO, i’ve played a lot of MMO and this will make GW2 unique

PvP Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ciuby.4976


It’s a great idea inho, i wanna make 1v1 with friend too, for fun or for make some test with my equipe, i don’t like spvp cause i don’t have my own gear and i can’t make the right test, but is not only for make test, but for add more fun at the game. i think is one of the best MMO but is still “poor” of normally thing like other mmo. maybe, if is possible add an instance pvp zone for make 1v1 will be great, it funny make pvp with your own gear instead of WvW