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The real issues I found in Liadri's achiev.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Civerneix.4356


I like how if there’s noone around to revive you, you have to pay for the waypoint and run back up! You lose money and you lose time.

You could say you can pick a dome where there are people BUT a) if there’s just you and one more person, you can’t revive each other because there won’t be enough time for it; b) if there are more people, you have to wait for your turn (while your food boons etc. tick away).

I’ve had about 60 attempts at Liadri now (engineer) and I’m about to give up – not as much because of the fight (30% best attempt) but because of the incredibly tedious corpse runs and repairs.

Queen's Gauntlet queue bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Civerneix.4356


My character (Doctor Zappa) is currently stuck in a queue limbo. Despite having the “Queued for…” boon, he’s not getting ported into the ring.

I’m on Liadri now. The bug started occuring after another player successfully defeated Salazan. My (and also one more player’s) queue somehow got invalidated and we are unable to enter the gauntlet.

I jumped off the bridge, hoping that would let me enter the arena after a corpse run, but no, didn’t help. The boon lasts for 2 days – I hope the game won’t make me wait that long!

EDIT: Restarting the game helped – i.e. it removed the boon (I still lost a ticket).

(edited by Civerneix.4356)

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Civerneix.4356


I agree with the OP. I think that in general level scaling does not work as it should. When downscaled, you’re far too powerful in lower level zones (because of traits and gear). When upscaled to 80, you you don’t have the required damage/survivability/skills. Wish ANet had ditched the concept of ‘leveling’ from the get-go. Too late for it now.

Also, got to love the atmosphere in this thread with keywords such as ‘casual’ and ‘cater’. Some of you apparently can’t understand that not everyone has been playing this game since the headstart and not everyone has an 80. I’m not surprised the Gauntlet is popular among the ‘ex-WoW elitists’ because it uses some similar WoW-raid mechanics. You people have a wrong notion of ‘game difficulty’.

Players enjoying, forum go-ers whining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Civerneix.4356


Dividing us into “players” and “whiners” is a terrible misunderstanding.
OP, you fail to notice that there are thousands of equally important players who did not get the equal chance to play the game as it was intended (disconnects, overloaded and very laggy overflow servers). Some were deprived of their expected “rewards” (which also should be equal if the event is something you cannot repeat).

I hardly ever post – the only other thing I wrote is in the Feedback thread because I felt that was the place to voice my concerns. I believe the developers do need a cold shower.

To call someone a whiner because that person could not fully participate in a widely-advertised one-time event is pathetic and unsympathetic.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Civerneix.4356


My feedback:

The event felt rushed and incredibly buggy.

Noll (the NPC) was bugged for a long time and many people were unable to complete even Part 1 (and not everyone could carry on camping hoping anything would change).

The entire thing was cryptic – it was not clear enough where you were supposed to go and what you were supposed to do (oh right, following the zerg feels smart – great design). I do not expect hand-holding, but a simple map indicator or on-screen message would help. Why no heart-style orange circles on the map?

Very bad lag and terrible performance because of overloaded servers. Many people (myself included) were booted from the servers and then unable to log back in for the final event. Many people were disconnected soon before opening the chest. Some got dc’ed because a new build was made available…

Terrible idea to let the one-time event coincide with opening up game trials.

Many people unable to run FotM because of “level 80 full exotic” elitists.

Hardly any response from the developers. Lots of post deleting, on the other hand.

Gear becoming all to important and people getting obsessed with loot (what I call the “OMG EPIX” attitude).

I don’t feel like playing the game anymore even though I had enjoyed it (even on my engineer which is, in my opinion, a deeply flawed profession). Got declined a refund because I was silly enough to have pre-purchased (your policy doesn’t allow refunds for purchases that were done +6 months ago).

I don’t feel needed as a player. And I don’t need the frustration that GW2 has become.