Showing Posts For Cocktail.7492:

I feel like I was lied to about PvP.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


I try to avoid the melodramatic posts that people tend to create when they feel they’ve been done wrong by someone they’ve just purchased from, but I think I finally understand some of that frustration.

Let me start by saying I followed Guild Wars 2 pretty much since a year after it’s inception. I remember sitting on vent with my friends and we would all talk about how innovative and amazing this MMO would be when it came out. I love playing games competitively, you’ll never see my name on a high populated stream or at the top of a ladder, but just the idea that there is a format for that in game is what makes me excited. Needless to say, seeing things like monthly and yearly tournaments, custom tournaments, and all the other great ideas for a game that was pretty much sold to us as something built around e-sports. All this excitement even brought me to play Guild Wars 1 just so I could grab some of the cool items from the Hall of Monuments.

But now here we are nearing almost half a year after the game’s release and I log on to try and play SPvP only to find a barren Heart of the Mists where the only goal is to mindless pug free tournaments and play in the very unbalanced and pointless 15v15 matches. None of which give me any sense of accomplishment from winning or even some sort of carrot to fetch (The idea of rank grinding for a sense of grandeur from that is sort of meaningless at this point). Theres no spectator mode for me to go watch tournament matches and the paid tournament community appears to be dwindling more and more from what was already a pretty desolate group of people.

As for the WvW, it was pretty cool at first, but unless youre a roleplayer I don’t really see the fascination. That isn’t a jab at roleplayers by any means it just feels like there is nothing you can really do to feel like you aren’t just another face in the crowd. Outside of farming the gold for commander and trying to grab the attention from the other commanders on at the time you just kind of drone around in the masses.

I’m just bored I guess, and unfortunate to say I get the same feeling from this that I did about a month after Diablo 3’s release. Sure I keep it on my desktop hoping that maybe there will be some changes that will cause me to launch back into the fanboy mode I was in the years prior to the release, but at this point I don’t even think the game could recover if they tried. All that’s left now for me is a PvE game that feels like it’s combat and horizontal progression is built for PvP.

Legendary twilight on trading post 9500g

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


Im indifferent either way, a lot of the reason I play this game is how cut off I can be from the rest of the community and still have fun when I want to.

But just an example to people doubting the purchase of gold in that high of a degree, I can recall a few situations from other games that would prove otherwise.

1) TF2 there was someone who spent 5000 USD on a Flaming Kabuto (An unusual version of the soldier hat that was extremely rare at the time) for his girlfriend.

2) Any of the kickstarter programs with people donating sums of 10k and up. I know a lot of people will argue that they’re showing support and they get all this bonus stuff, but it is 10 grand towards a video game no matter how you spin it.

3) Any Multiboxer in any MMO is a prime example of this. Remember the guy in WoW who multiboxes 40 shamans? Between each account license, all the expansions, the monthly fees and the rig setups used to pull it off…

I’m just saying, there are a lot of people who have the money to do things like this. Don’t really dismiss it because you wouldn’t.

Jumping Puzzle Racing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


I like the idea except the traps and knockdowns. No need to muck it up, the better jumper wins

Is there any ability in the game with crows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


Norn have a raven form

"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


I enjoy playing my engi. He has a flamethrower and drops boxes on peoples heads.

Jumping Puzzle compromise

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


If you were to add easy mode to any jump puzzle, the rewards better not be the same. Heck, if easy mode jump puzzles were made, they should have NO rewards.

What? There are rewards?!

All I got was a jug of karma, some socks, and a sweater – which I won’t use, since they turn into absolutely nothing of worth for my char.

Personally I just started playing again a week or so. I have a 47 engineer and these rewards are amazing to me. I know I’ll need an obscene amount of karma for 80 and all the ugly clothing sells pretty well on the TP.

Easier and faster ways to get karma and gold.

For a level 47? Would be news to me.

Jumping Puzzle compromise

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


If you were to add easy mode to any jump puzzle, the rewards better not be the same. Heck, if easy mode jump puzzles were made, they should have NO rewards.

What? There are rewards?!

All I got was a jug of karma, some socks, and a sweater – which I won’t use, since they turn into absolutely nothing of worth for my char.

Personally I just started playing again a week or so. I have a 47 engineer and these rewards are amazing to me. I know I’ll need an obscene amount of karma for 80 and all the ugly clothing sells pretty well on the TP.

Making Money

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


I find the best money per hour farming is just going out in the world and opening the presents you find on the map while you gather or level or whatever else.

The easiest way would probably be to repeat the JP (If you can do it in the first try or two.

Jumping Puzzle compromise

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


Hence… compromise. One hard puzzle, one easy. Fluff for everyone. More happy people. Those that have a hard time with hard puzzles won’t suddenly have an easier time with those just because there is an easy puzzle as well, will they?

You know, call me a snob, but in a way it does ruin it.

Part of the fun of something being challenging and exciting is that you get a reward to show for it. It’s like in sports, you work hard and play your best because you want the shiny trophy for winning.

I’m sorry, I know a lot of people dislike my kind of attitude but at this point why dont we just make it so that everyone logs in and gets all the rewards we would normally. Karma jug, everything. Then all the other fluff stuff can just be for fun.

Jumping Puzzle compromise

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cocktail.7492


I’m all for everyone having fun in the game, but the mindset of people who play MMOs these days that theyre entitled to have EVERYTHING is cancer. Its all fluff, it is time for some people to accept that something is too hard for them and move on.