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[Spoiler] Why pretend be a fake-god?

in Living World

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928


So turns out Lazurus was actually the human god of war Balthazar… Why?

Why would a well known human god, who is still worshiped by most humans, disguise himself as Lazurus? What did he have to gain? Half of the White Mantle that didn’t follow Caudicus? Surely he would have gained more human followers as Balthazar.

That uneasy alliance our character had with Lazurus? It could’ve been a strong alliance with Balthazar, because until this point we had no reason to think the gods were bad. At least then when Balthazar turned on us it would’ve had more impact.

It’s cool that we’re getting more ties to GW1 lore, and I don’t want to blame this on bad writing because maybe they know what their doing, but the way Balthazar went about doing what he did makes no sense to me.

Did I miss something from the story?

MMR or Pips. Pick one ANet.

in PvP

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928



Because to make them play nice with each other, without impairing matchmaking, requires pips to behave in very specific ways that are more complex than anything currently on the table.

If they do not behave the right way, one or more of the three – MMR, matchmaking, or pips – will behave poorly. In seasons 1 and 4, you chose pips; in 2 and 3, matchmaking.

The current system is definitely trying to do too many things and each aspect suffers because of this. I think pips are an appealing reward system and I also think MMR is a good skill system. We need to work on getting each part of the system focusing on what they do best.

I think it would be interesting if you removed pips from the matchmaking system and strictly use MMR. Some people might be feeling restricted with both being used as they have been, I know I have at some points. With pips taking more of a sideline I feel like ranked might become more engaging for players if they are paired with someone in Diamond or Legendary while they are only in Emerald. By doing this players can go up against each other knowing that; 1) They are going against players with a similar MMR, so in theory, around the same level; 2) Players might feel they can progress further with pips/tiers if they are matched with players in higher tiers and don’t feel restricted to players with around the same pips as them.

In the case of a MMR reset, having players play 10 or so matches at the start of each season would be the best way to deal with that so you don’t have white belts fighting black belts.

I hope I was able to make my thoughts clear. Im no expert on ranked systems but I do find it somewhat interesting.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928


April 1st is this Friday, maybe its just an April fools prank?

Elder races were chumps

in Lore

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928


Keep in mind that the elder races lacked two things the modern races have in abundance:

2) Technology. The only technological race of the elder races were the dwarves, and their technology goes as far as blackpowder and trebuchets in GW1.

You forgot about the Jotan. Even if its not double confirmed the Jotan have stories of their civilization and had technologies such as telescopes, which in my opinion is much more advanced than trebuchets.


in Thief

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928


so your argument is theif is OP cause it will always be OP no matter what is nerfed

You only need to look at the proofs.

and that devs agree its OP so it needs a nerf?

Historically correct.

then tell me. why is theif still OP if devs agree its OP?

Because it is OP. What else?

No profession warrants excessive nerfs unless they are OP. Thief receives mutiple excessive nerfs, thus it is OP.

If the Dev doesn’t agree, they shouldn’t have nerfed the Thief — but they did and more than likely they will continue to do so.

why have devs not nerfed it out of OP?

True God Mode. No matter how much you nerf the Thief, it is still OP.

Pay attention.

I just wanna stop you here… WHAT!? Are you brain damaged? Do even know how balancing works? The only way I see your logic making any sense is if the thief has some “holy god trait” that the Dev’s can’t touch or mess with because if they did the whole game would combust.

Nerfs buffs and re-balancing in general is implemented when the skills/traits either:
A) are used in ways the Dev did not predict, could negative or positive
B) do not do what they were intended to do, what we call bugs
C) are not effective or too effective

Many things contribute to the reason something is re balanced like, damage, cool down, cast time, conditions applied, ect. This means its not as simple as saying “THAT CLASS IS OP BECAUSE OF THAT TRAIT OR THAT SKILL, NERF THE CLASS”! When maybe all that is needed is a longer cool down time.

Also, IF (and thats a huge if) the thief was as OP as you say the Dev’s would focus on re-balancing that one thing that you say makes the class OP instead of working around it. They’re not stupid, but they can’t predict every single change that happens from tweaking with just one skill.

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: ColdSlot.6928


Isn’t it possible to have armor that actually looks protective but still shows a BIT of skin, WITHOUT being skimpy?

Like a compromise?