Showing Posts For CommonSense.4697:

Your assumption on every server...

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


So what’s the inside joke about TC and RP/ERP, is that really a thing?

Your assumption on every server...

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


BG = Godfather
Mag = lol kittenters that blob everything, an abomination of a once great server.
FA = T2
SoS = Auzzies
DB = Bandwagon central
JQ = T1
YB = Siegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
SBI = Good Puglets
AR = Sparta, Manly men with beards and stuff.
NSP = Below Average everything
the rest = LOL

How could I freaking forget about YB and their love for siege

Your assumption on every server...

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


Let’s have fun and keep it clean….but when you see a server name what is your opinion…

For me it’s the following..
BG=blob gate
FA=the little brother of the top tiers
DB=the flash in the pan
JQ=that good server that doesn’t have a strong NA…

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


BG our lord and saviors will stop them <3

Probably not, they dont have the eye of the tiger like mag does.

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


What is Maguuma’s goal in making this kind of ridiculous game? In all WvW time I have never seen this kind of low level atitutu, this is certain that capturing the castle is part of the game, plus doing respawn kill, that is too much. Any acceptable explanation for this kind of attitude?

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

Viking stuff

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


It’s an easy game, Either A) get good and stop sucking or quit, either way crying on the forums accomplishes nothing

Now to ask a simple question so that you can understand what is going on in your head is to cry? Crying is asking to stop doing. Which I’m not asking.

Get good or get dominated

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


It’s an easy game, Either A) get good and stop sucking or quit, either way crying on the forums accomplishes nothing

Lets start a slow cap for ANET

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


lol i think we should all just go to BG and stack it then run over everyone….err wait


in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697



Lets start a slow cap for ANET

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


So a day after BG is open, look at T1 currently. BG ticking 162, FA ticking 74, Mag ticking 16. So opening bg has made t1 toxic again.

Small Guild and Guild Hall claming

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


You can easily claim a hall with 4 people

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


It’s as tall as my human character. It’s a snow globe basically. It’s terribly misleading and Terribly expensive.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


The mad moon is literally the biggest waste of gold in the game. It is a terrible decoration.

Now cannon, and next?

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


Something to finally love me, 46 is lonely without every feeling the warmth of a woman. I’m ok with male or female now just someone to love me.

Dragonbrand - A Case Study in Sadness

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


you know what killed DB, Within a very short time period a major driver left and a very large guild stopped running. Anet decided it didnt need a link (which it obviously did.) Lack of game planning and bringing in WvW guilds to win and then maintaining a hey lets just go out there and have fun guys, when people brought up actual strategy. Which in turn turned off alot of people because TS admins dictated all of this. NA Drivers deciding not to work with eachother and alot of egos. all of this caused the community to just wreck itself.

Make PPT matter....

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


ppt is the least fun part about this game. it should not matter at all

obviously people care about it

Make PPT matter....

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


well you can combat server stacking with the rewards being the same for 1st regardless of Tier? Noone can properly figure out how to balance WvW pops that isnt the issue here, the issue is make winning actually rewarding. People stack servers anyways look what TC did a few months ago and look at BlobGate now. Rewards are gonna change stacking, but rewards may encourage people who PvE to join WvW. lets face is you basically bleed gold in WvW and in PvE (im looking at you Auric Basin) you bath in it!

Make PPT matter....

in WvW

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


So with the game now hitting its 4 year old mark and it looks like we wont be getting any seasons again why not revamp rewards for PPT. They have participation rewards now which is a good start. Now make who comes in 1st, 2nd, 3rd matter too. I think another thing that can ruin server unity is guilds who do not care about PPT because it doesnt mean anything and other guilds who worry solely about PPT. What im suggesting is why doesnt ANET do some calculation and how you get rewarded base on participation why not do that for overall score. Make players meet some sort of participation % and when WvW resets players will be awarded some sort of chest base on what position the server came in and how much you participated that week. What do you guys think? Can you maybe make suggestions as to make this idea better?