i’m serious. conan, dude, learn to use paragraphs. i didn’t read beyond the first line.
but that line told me a lot about you. you previously stated that you wanted mounts for roleplaying and immersion.
then i stated that lore says “no horses, no mounts”, thus the roleplay excuse is invalid.
then you ditch lore.
what kind of roleplayer are you? roleplaying isn’t ditching the rules of the world and making your own, roleplaying is living by the rules of that world, which includes not mounting dolyaks and horses not existing.
and to make a real world relation: guild wars 1, or “medieval fantasy” in general, is set around 1200-1600 in the real world, on technological time frames. guild wars 2 is set, in real world terms, in the 1800s. except it’s a version of the 1800s where you can teleport for cheaper than you can buy a loaf of bread, and that all horses died hundreds of years ago. and the 1800s couldn’t be further away from ‘midievil’ as you like to say.
First off, If you did not read my post then please dont reply to it, as you obviously missed alot of important points I made.
Secondly, you know nothing about me as a person other than I get tired of people ranting about something that would add alot of enjoyment to this game for ALOT of folks and not being able to give viable reasons against it. I respect your opinion to “not like or want mounts” but I have not seen ONE truly viable reason listed here by ANYONE to not have them. Yall may have your opinions on why they shouldnt, but they are just that-opinions. Mounts would not hurt this game, they would make it more successful as many have posted on this very forum, they WANT mounts and would play long term if they were implemented.
Thirdly, I NEVER said anything about roleplaying , only immersion, although I do enjoy roleplaying which by definition means “getting into character”ie…immersion. And I do want to honor lore as I said in previous post. I just think it can , has been and will be again “tweaked” to reflect a specific vision for the game. And by the way, theres nothing in ANY GW lore that says its forbidden to ride a mount, and yes dolyaks were ridden in GW by NPCs. These things were simply left out because it was EASIER/cheaper and the linear game world didnt require it.
And finally, quote whatever date system you like. No soldier/warrior of the 1800s sported Full plate armor and massive warhammers, 2handed swords, maces, still has the midievil feel. A few inventions and a little magic doesnt change that. Furthermore “midievil fantasy” is a vison, an idealogical world of heroism, not a date.
On another note about mounts blocking vendors being a reason not to have them??? Really? Please! I have played MMOs for 10 years and have never had an issue with that. If it bothers you that bad, make em so that you are dismounted anytime you interact with an NPC!