Mounts [Merged]
They would be very low on my feature requests list.
I disagree, mounts have no place in Tyria.
Mounts never had a place in Guild Wars. The content comes in smaller packages and the game has waypoints, a vastly superior form of travel.
Now if you want mount heads on sticks to “giddy up” around town in your town clothes, go for it.
I’m indifferent to mounts, but I would like a way to have semi permanent swiftness even if it is only out of combat. Running is way too slow unless you are a class that has speed boosts/skills.
As far as I can tell there are foods that give increased swiftness duration but not actual swiftness.
No. This game does not need mounts.
Flat out no. They’re redundant in how the traveling in GW2 is set up.
I believe that adding mounts won’t draw people that are opposed to the idea away from the game, however, it will draw players with a drive to collect them to play the game more. What could ANet lose by adding mounts, even if they had to remove ~25-50% of the waypoints?
I would find it annoying to see everyone on a mount all the time instead of walking. It wouldn’t feel like I was playing a Guild Wars game anymore.. I would find it acceptable if they introduced “temporary mounts” in certain zones kinda like the junundu or siege devourer in GW1, but not the kind you would find in games like WoW.
if you go down the “mounts” path… eventually people will want flying mounts.
Don’t go down the mounts path.
I like the idea of having mounts. There are certain areas that mounts would be usefull
Only if i could have a Charr as a mount otherwise i pass.
Flying mounts would be nice in WVW, so instead of breaking down gates we can swoop in from above and take the keep lol
I like mounts, but not too wild of them. What I’d like to see is mounts that are essentially another weapon set, or that shift your weapons performance while mounted. That would be cool.
After having more or less explored th whole map. Mounts that act like a permanent swiftness buff on the rider would be nice. This is nothing to broken and when I am exploring I usually have some swiftness buffs ready, but not every class has this luxury. ^^
So yeah pro mounts
Kind of glad GW2 sets itself apart on the MMO scene by not having mounts, it is a fresh take. The waypoint system works just fine (although free of charge would be even better, remember there is not profit in the Eternal Alchemy!!), and even in game from a lore perspective, would make little sense with waypoints.
I feel that, if done right, it can add further depth to the game. Heck, seeing Seraph patrolling on horses wouldn’t look too out of place.
If each race has an aesthetically pleasing design (I believe one of the GW novels starts with an Asura riding on the back of a golem, for example) then it wouldn’t be so bad.
Of course, seeing everyone on mounts that are GIGANTIC OHMAHGAH SUPER MEGA DRAGON DELUXE mounts would look out of place, but im sure something could be done.
I would appreciate something a little special to go exploring on. I wouldn’t want to skip content with a mount, in fact there are lots of times I’ve thought it would be nice to speed up exploring while on a mount. I’ve enjoyed the area, I quest in it and like to complete each area 100% which requires a lot of seeing the same area over and over again…
That’s not a complaint per-se, because regardless, I’m not enjoying the environments any less… although I can see why people are concerned about people just not caring and skipping content.
There are ways to implement content-jump countermeasures however. For example, non-mount areas.
Im for it, but only if its done correctly and with dignity… not done in a way which is intended to give players something to boast about… just to ease our characters tired feet adventuring.
mounts ruin the game by a bit for me.
No mounts, please, ever.
We don’t need mounts. We need cheaper waypoints for maps we already completed. :P
Asura thing.
I would vote no on mounts. If they introduced mounts, it should be a reward for the following: reaching level 80 AND having explored 100% of the map. The mount would also not have any speed increase and would be purely for looks only. Also, if riding in a zone, you would not be able to “run away” from mobs, and would be dismounted upon aggro. Perhaps a bit much, but I don’t think GW2 needs mounts. The first game didn’t, and it’s one of my favorite things about these games.
I haven’t felt the need for mounts. We already move faster out of speed, and every class has some ability to grant swiftness to itself. I do not feel we are moving dreadfully slow…
With the OOC extra speed, switfness buffs, and waypoints, I feel fine with the movement speed.
In a world in which pack animals are used, the Dredge and the Charr use armored transports, and there are apparently helicopters and airships… I’m thinking cosmetic mounts are within reason. I am opposed to them being used in locations that make no sense. For example, the middle of Lion’s Arch seems like a good no-ride, no-fly zone to me. I also think you can’t practically allow them in combat with this system. There are plenty of areas where I think they do make sense though and I would personally support adding them for use in these areas and with those situations. If you add them I propose that they provide a speed boost no greater than 33% and that this not stack with any other speed boost.
I’m indifferent to mounts, but I would like a way to have semi permanent swiftness even if it is only out of combat. Running is way too slow unless you are a class that has speed boosts/skills.
As far as I can tell there are foods that give increased swiftness duration but not actual swiftness.
Thieves have a signet with a passive effect of 25% movement speed increase, meaning you’ll move that fast the whole time the signet is equipped.
For got what the signet is called, but it is in the 3rd row of utility skills.
Firstly, Mounts (NOT flying) immerse you in the world, because they are riding beasts. It’s natural and realistic that riding beasts would be part of the lore (as they are in any fictional world). Honestly, having no mounts due to the fact that there were none in GW1 is not a reason to exclude them. GW2 is not the same game, in fact its quite different from the first game.
Second, you’re not going to bypass content cos you’ve already experienced the content by walking there first. They can make it that you can only get a mount by exploring content and unlocking it. You couldn’t summon your mount in an area you haven’t explored, this forces you to experience the content on foot.
Thirdly, mounts can be disabled in cities and when interacting with NPCs, so there’s no reason for players to be whinging about people on mounts covering up NPCs and such.
Fourth: mounts will NOT give an unfair advantage. Because everyone should have the right and the ability to get them. Mounts could be mostly cosmetic but be slightly faster than walking so pretty much like the speed boost except not so lame. But I’d be fine with it if they were the same speed as walking.
Fifth: It is quite exhilarating and satisfying riding beneath the stars on your loyal steed.
Sixth: They’ve said they want the player to feel like a hero. Steeds are a classic and traditional part of a hero’s story. I already have doubts about Anet’s ability to make the player feel like a hero; mounts can only improve this.
So I would vote in favour of mounts.
Instead of a complex “mount” system, why not make a simpler system. You can purchase, for less cost than a waypoint use, a horse that has excellent swiftness bonus, but you cannot enter combat while on the horse, and when you dismount, the horse is lost. No need to have epic mounts, or anything like that. just a vendor that distrubutes single use swiftness mounts.
Please no. It’s fine as it is.
I don’t want speed boost, I don’t want new abilities. You already have transformation oil. Give me an oil that transform my character into that character on a mount with all the same restrictions as the oils you already have.
We don’t need mounts. We need cheaper waypoints for maps we already completed. :P
I initially missed having mounts when I wanted to get somewhere quickly, especially when I had already explored a map, and wished GW2 had this feature. Now I feel that having mounts would mean that many players would miss out on things like world events and alter the social nature of the game.
So many times I have been making my way from one place to the next to see another player in trouble and run over to help. Then started chatting and ended up exploring with them for a bit. This is one of the things I love about the game. If I was on a mount I would have passed so quickly I would have missed out on those opportunities.
I do agree however that the waypoint costs should be reduced for areas you have already explored. Or even making within map waypoints reduce to nothing.
This isn’t World of Warcraft.
A car would be nice! I’d like to see my thief riding a nice car!
But car’s are not going to be in tyria
please no mounts
I disagree, mounts have no place in Tyria.
Why not?
Because paying 1.64silver per way point in the same map is reasonable at level 80? :|
I guess its nothing compared to the massive pay out you get from mobs at level 80 right?
Longbow(or staff rework) for Guardian > Mounts
Firstly, Mounts (NOT flying) immerse you in the world, because they are riding beasts. It’s natural and realistic that riding beasts would be part of the lore (as they are in any fictional world). Honestly, having no mounts due to the fact that there were none in GW1 is not a reason to exclude them. GW2 is not the same game, in fact its quite different from the first game.
Second, you’re not going to bypass content cos you’ve already experienced the content by walking there first. They can make it that you can only get a mount by exploring content and unlocking it. You couldn’t summon your mount in an area you haven’t explored, this forces you to experience the content on foot.
Thirdly, mounts can be disabled in cities and when interacting with NPCs, so there’s no reason for players to be whinging about people on mounts covering up NPCs and such.
Fourth: mounts will NOT give an unfair advantage. Because everyone should have the right and the ability to get them. Mounts could be mostly cosmetic but be slightly faster than walking so pretty much like the speed boost except not so lame. But I’d be fine with it if they were the same speed as walking.
Fifth: It is quite exhilarating and satisfying riding beneath the stars on your loyal steed.
Sixth: They’ve said they want the player to feel like a hero. Steeds are a classic and traditional part of a hero’s story. I already have doubts about Anet’s ability to make the player feel like a hero; mounts can only improve this.So I would vote in favour of mounts.
Correction, there were mounts, mounted mobs anyways
And honestly if the current state of PVE goes on its current path in gw2, id rather pay off a one time large sum for a perma speed boost whilst on a mount than pay the ridiculous way point costs.
Mounts never had a place in Guild Wars. The content comes in smaller packages and the game has waypoints, a vastly superior form of travel.
Now if you want mount heads on sticks to “giddy up” around town in your town clothes, go for it.
that is because they weren’t needed. There were mounted mobs in GW1, so this argument is invalid.
I think that mounts have a place in GW2, and should be implemented.
I could understand maybe an elite that acts liek a mount and gives you a permanent speed buff while on it (kinda like the asura summon golem suit)
What I love, in any thread, is when people give the reason “No, because WoW has it!” I guess, if you look at it that way, we shouldn’t also have guild banks, a working auction house, or persistent worlds? That’s a bad answer, and you should feel bad.
I’d kill a quaggan for a ground mount. Travel costs are insane, and since it’s either ‘shut up and run everywhere’ or ‘farm for gold, you stupid noob!’ whenever the subject is brought up, this would be a great solution.
I really just wanna clomp around on a dolyak mount We’ve already seen NPCs get around via airships and helicopters; I can’t see how the lore nerds can ignore that and then go BUT IT DUN FIT!
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
Ok so i have been thinking about this quite a lot since launch, and i have to say that most of my friends who i have introduced to the game are very surprised by the lack of mounts. Most people I know won’t really consider the context, GW’s history or how mounts should/should not be used. Just that riding a fictional beast/horse/dragon in to battle comes pretty much hand in hand with any major RP fantasy experience.
When i look at the areas in game, i have to consider the feeling i have when i travel through them. I am (after all) on an adventure. I am exploring the world, and uncovering it’s secrets. ANet have crafted this world for us to uncover and travel through, the artwork and detail is incredible! i think we all agree on this. But i have to wonder at the moment how much i am really going to remember about the areas, how much of that “experience” is going to stick with me in the months to come – as i feel i will never “travel” through any of these zones again.
Once i have unlocked all the waypoints, i will simply “teleport” from point to point as and when i need to. If i am farming, i will likely port myself around the map from one batch of nodes to the next. Why run when i can teleport?. But already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Davinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate. I will simply port right in to the city, straight to crafter or bankers NPC (or wherever i need to be). The sweeping hills and winding paths of say Kessex Hills, or Gandarran Fields.. I feel like i am never going to follow that road again because now i will simply jump around to within feet of wherever i need to be.
And after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar.. you either arrive next to grass, trees, lake – you don’t consider where you are in the world or what the journey though that area was like when you first explored it. Now, you just click to teleport right to some random space that happens to exist next to the node or NPC you need to be at.
The shatter dragon for example. How many people now will simply portal right in to the camp every 3 hours when it spawns, instead of travelling up the ruined scar on the land, watching the dragon fly above glimpsing it through the shadowy clouds. It all adds to the atmosphere of the area, and reminds us of what a cool area that is. I believe we simply won’t remember these things. I’ll likely remember how cool that big purple dragon was, and that to get to him i had to click somewhere around the top right area of the map.
I am probably rambling now, but i think the travelling element – running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.
I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go.
TLDR: Mounts help us remember the areas in game, instead of symbols on a map to be clicked on.
Absolutely NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mounts never had a place in Guild Wars. The content comes in smaller packages and the game has waypoints, a vastly superior form of travel.
Now if you want mount heads on sticks to “giddy up” around town in your town clothes, go for it.
that is because they weren’t needed. There were mounted mobs in GW1, so this argument is invalid.
I think that mounts have a place in GW2, and should be implemented.
Mounts aren’t needed now, either. And two non-human mobs that rode mounts doesn’t invalidate anything since mobs inherently can have/do things that play characters can’t.
Plus there’s no lore that supports mounts. The closest is asura riding golems. Now, there are hints that humans used to ride horses centuries ago, but horses themselves appear to be quite rare — possibly nearly extinct. Other than that, there are no cases (at least as far as I’m aware) where riding a mount was commonplace. The races of Tyria seem to be perfectly content to walk around on foot or riding on dolyak carts (which aren’t any faster than walking on foot, though it makes moving stuff a lot easier).
The game just isn’t set up for mounts, and shoehorning such a feature in would be a lot of time and effort for little-to-no gain and potentially cause more problems than it “solves”. Arenanet is on record saying that if they add mounts to the game, it needs to be done right and in such a way that it adds to the game. This could mean that at some point we’ll get an area where we can use mounts where they’re part of the gameplay (such as the junundu in GW1) but cosmetic speedboost of the complexity of mounts aren’t needed, imo, in the game as it stands. The waypoint system works well enough, granted it could use some tweaks, and adding mounts just for the sake of mounts would be a waste of resources.
Ok so i have been thinking about this quite a lot since launch, and i have to say that most of my friends who i have introduced to the game are very surprised by the lack of mounts. Most people I know won’t really consider the context, GW’s history or how mounts should/should not be used. Just that riding a fictional beast/horse/dragon in to battle comes pretty much hand in hand with any major RP fantasy experience.
When i look at the areas in game, i have to consider the feeling i have when i travel through them. I am (after all) on an adventure. I am exploring the world, and uncovering it’s secrets. ANet have crafted this world for us to uncover and travel through, the artwork and detail is incredible! i think we all agree on this. But i have to wonder at the moment how much i am really going to remember about the areas, how much of that “experience” is going to stick with me in the months to come – as i feel i will never “travel” through any of these zones again.Once i have unlocked all the waypoints, i will simply “teleport” from point to point as and when i need to. If i am farming, i will likely port myself around the map from one batch of nodes to the next. Why run when i can teleport?. But already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Davinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate. I will simply port right in to the city, straight to crafter or bankers NPC (or wherever i need to be). The sweeping hills and winding paths of say Kessex Hills, or Gandarran Fields.. I feel like i am never going to follow that road again because now i will simply jump around to within feet of wherever i need to be.
And after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar.. you either arrive next to grass, trees, lake – you don’t consider where you are in the world or what the journey though that area was like when you first explored it. Now, you just click to teleport right to some random space that happens to exist next to the node or NPC you need to be at.The shatter dragon for example. How many people now will simply portal right in to the camp every 3 hours when it spawns, instead of travelling up the ruined scar on the land, watching the dragon fly above glimpsing it through the shadowy clouds. It all adds to the atmosphere of the area, and reminds us of what a cool area that is. I believe we simply won’t remember these things. I’ll likely remember how cool that big purple dragon was, and that to get to him i had to click somewhere around the top right area of the map.
I am probably rambling now, but i think the travelling element – running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go
TLDR: Mounts help us remember the areas in game, instead of symbols on a map to be clicked on.
cant farm, got an anti farm system, so you are fine with paying 1.64s per wp in the same region?
with the very little income at lvl 80?
thats cool
Mounts never had a place in Guild Wars. The content comes in smaller packages and the game has waypoints, a vastly superior form of travel.
Now if you want mount heads on sticks to “giddy up” around town in your town clothes, go for it.
that is because they weren’t needed. There were mounted mobs in GW1, so this argument is invalid.
I think that mounts have a place in GW2, and should be implemented.
Mounts aren’t needed now, either. And two non-human mobs that rode mounts doesn’t invalidate anything since mobs inherently can have/do things that play characters can’t.
Plus there’s no lore that supports mounts. The closest is asura riding golems. Now, there are hints that humans used to ride horses centuries ago, but horses themselves appear to be quite rare — possibly nearly extinct. Other than that, there are no cases (at least as far as I’m aware) where riding a mount was commonplace. The races of Tyria seem to be perfectly content to walk around on foot or riding on dolyak carts (which aren’t any faster than walking on foot, though it makes moving stuff a lot easier).
The game just isn’t set up for mounts, and shoehorning such a feature in would be a lot of time and effort for little-to-no gain and potentially cause more problems than it “solves”. Arenanet is on record saying that if they add mounts to the game, it needs to be done right and in such a way that it adds to the game. This could mean that at some point we’ll get an area where we can use mounts where they’re part of the gameplay (such as the junundu in GW1) but cosmetic speedboost of the complexity of mounts aren’t needed, imo, in the game as it stands. The waypoint system works well enough, granted it could use some tweaks, and adding mounts just for the sake of mounts would be a waste of resources.
Charr riding a tank like the small ones in your Arah story line doesnt count either?
i can understand why everyone is against them… but i would like to see mounts in this game with no increased movement speed unless the player has a passive no flying mounts just ground mounts and finally have them as really rare drops from champion/ dungeon drop chance.
i can understand why everyone is against them… but i would like to see mounts in this game with no increased movement speed unless the player has a passive no flying mounts just ground mounts and finally have them as really rare drops from champion/ dungeon drop chance.
Flying mounts just wont work her with all the Vista and stuff, it’ll be like an exploit, ontop of that if you haven’t notice Tyria’s persistent world is Instances neighbouring instances.
So youd still have to “fly” towards a portal hole to go to the next area.
land mounts would make sense with the high WP cost points.
@RIZZY dude i said not flying lol read everything 1st <3
@RIZZY dude i said not flying lol read everything 1st <3
I was adding on to your points not countering them
We should be able to carry party members piggy-back.