Mounts [Merged]
oh ok but your 100% right flying mounts cant/wont work in this game ps. i cant quote ppl its broken for me lol
no need for mounts, they cant increase speed for game dynamic reasons so they would be purely aesthetic, I’d rather devs spend time on content rather than pointless mounts.
… already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Davinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate … after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar… I believe we simply won’t remember these things … running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.
I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go
You made an excellent point that I hadn’t considered but that by just reading what you wrote I realised I had already started to do. The excitement and awe of each area has now become a jumble of locations to get stuff done, or to get to where I need to be.
I am torn now between what would be worse, being on a mount rushing past encounters with other players or content I may not have if I had been at walking pace, or losing that sense of wonder and appreciation for just how amazing this world is that ArenaNet has created for us. Having said that it’s more obvious now that mount or not I am already “rushing past” content and other players by using the waypoints to get to where I need to go quickly.
no need for mounts, they cant increase speed for game dynamic reasons so they would be purely aesthetic, I’d rather devs spend time on content rather than pointless mounts.
Cant increase speed really I got 2 ranger skills that increase my speed and some NPC in towns gives me a speed boost for 5 minutes oh and my thief has a passive +20percent to movement speed from a skill…. And also do you work for arenanet and get special privilege to view their programming codes so you know for a fact they cant increase speed because of game I think the word you’re looking for here is mechanics, for game mechanics?
I really am not 100% sure why some posts in this thread take such issue with the concept of having mounts in the game, as though doing so undermines what makes the game great.
I would be in support of the game having either mounts, or some other form of travel (waypoints/asura gates don’t count). Why?
Because I want the game to feel more like a massive world, and when I’m just teleporting from place to place it feels less so. While I do have to discover areas before waypointing to them, I would still prefer to take some sort of taxi or ride a mount from the Black Citadel to the Bloodtide Coast instead of teleporting there and breaking immersion.
(Edited to fix a typo)
I really am not 100% sure why some posts in this thread take such issue with the concept of having mounts in the game, as though doing so undermines what makes the game great.
I would be in support of the game having either mounts, or some other form of travel (waypoints/asura gates don’t count). Why?
Because I want the game to feel more like a massive world, and when I’m just teleporting from place to place it feels less so. While I do have to discover areas before waypointing to them, I would still prefer to take some sort of taxi or ride a mount from the Black Citadel to the Bloodtide Coast instead of teleporting there and breaking immersion.
(Edited to fix a typo)
This guy makes a good point on why it would enhance the game
… already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Divinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate … after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar… I believe we simply won’t remember these things … running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.
I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go
Mounts are very important in mmo’s. If these other clowns don’t want one then they don’t have to buy one. But don’t ruin it for everyone else. Personally it would be real easy to leave and go play another mmo if I get bored which personally I am. The behavior of people who attack others for asking for what they want is childish. I feel like I’m on a wow FORUM.
ye GW2 must HAVE MOUNTS! coz in wvwvw is a kitten loos of time hours only for walk -.- and mounts ar good add in game
Flying mounts would be nice in WVW, so instead of breaking down gates we can swoop in from above and take the keep lol
Even though I know this was intended as a joke, this is what would happen if mount were added. Once you get land based mounts, then its speed needs to be increases, next would be combat on mounts(yes that would be cool), and next flying mounts.
With the waypoint system as it is now, mounts are not needed. They might be wanted for a cosmetic feel, but not needed.
Well, to have a steed in this type of game would feel only natural, especially if I don’t like jumping from point to point all the time or running in my heavy gear everywhere ( it’s heavy ). So, having a horse is very reasonable, especially for exploring purposes. And if you don’t like the idea of riding and prefer walking – just don’t use them. Simple. I don’t really get this hate coming from GW1 players..
I’m fine with mounts as long as
- they can’t fly
- you get dismounted as soon as you pull a mob
- you can’t perform any actions while mounted
- you can’t use them in towns, dungeons or pvp
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I’m fine with mounts as long as
- they can’t fly
- you get dismounted as soon as you pull a mob
- you can’t perform any actions while mounted
- you can’t use them in towns, dungeons or pvp
I agree completely with this
Ok so i have been thinking about this quite a lot since launch, and i have to say that most of my friends who i have introduced to the game are very surprised by the lack of mounts. Most people I know won’t really consider the context, GW’s history or how mounts should/should not be used. Just that riding a fictional beast/horse/dragon in to battle comes pretty much hand in hand with any major RP fantasy experience.
When i look at the areas in game, i have to consider the feeling i have when i travel through them. I am (after all) on an adventure. I am exploring the world, and uncovering it’s secrets. ANet have crafted this world for us to uncover and travel through, the artwork and detail is incredible! i think we all agree on this. But i have to wonder at the moment how much i am really going to remember about the areas, how much of that “experience” is going to stick with me in the months to come – as i feel i will never “travel” through any of these zones again.Once i have unlocked all the waypoints, i will simply “teleport” from point to point as and when i need to. If i am farming, i will likely port myself around the map from one batch of nodes to the next. Why run when i can teleport?. But already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Davinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate. I will simply port right in to the city, straight to crafter or bankers NPC (or wherever i need to be). The sweeping hills and winding paths of say Kessex Hills, or Gandarran Fields.. I feel like i am never going to follow that road again because now i will simply jump around to within feet of wherever i need to be.
And after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar.. you either arrive next to grass, trees, lake – you don’t consider where you are in the world or what the journey though that area was like when you first explored it. Now, you just click to teleport right to some random space that happens to exist next to the node or NPC you need to be at.The shatter dragon for example. How many people now will simply portal right in to the camp every 3 hours when it spawns, instead of travelling up the ruined scar on the land, watching the dragon fly above glimpsing it through the shadowy clouds. It all adds to the atmosphere of the area, and reminds us of what a cool area that is. I believe we simply won’t remember these things. I’ll likely remember how cool that big purple dragon was, and that to get to him i had to click somewhere around the top right area of the map.
I am probably rambling now, but i think the travelling element – running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go
TLDR: Mounts help us remember the areas in game, instead of symbols on a map to be clicked on.
Fenlock has an extremely good point! Including mounts does encourage travel over and through the terrain. It encourages players to at least pass by and witness events as they ride. If we port everywhere then we are bypassing a lot of content constantly. Including mounts encourages immersion and players engaging more directly with the world.
Agreed, no mounts please!!!
No mounts. No need to ruin game for others, just because you want some silly bling from WoW.
Anet. Thanks for never adding mounts. I know you will never add them as they are not needed. Mounts are an ugly visual blight & unnecessary with a WP system.
> More times than I can count, I have meant to only go a short distance… then I get side-tracked and before I know it, I’m half-way across the map. This is not WoW, where getting from place to place is annoying and arduous.
I agree with the OP, and LMAO at people saying that mounts have no place in Tyria. There were mounts in the first game…maybe you don’t remember the dwarves who rode dolyaks in the Prophecies campaign? Yeah, mounts ftw.
why even make this thread again, arena net already explained why they wont add them, and im happy they wont, want mounts go play WoW.
theres really no need for them in GW2.
I would hate to see mounts in this game. They’re not needed, with the waypoint system, and for aesthetic purposes, mini pets already exist.
Alright…going to have to support mounts again…
first off, to say the game doesn’t need mount cause of waypoints. by that logic, the game doesn’t need voice acting, it has Texts, there is no need for voice acting…
I have not yet read a single good reason to be anti mount…
I see a fantasy world…full of swords and guns and magic…full of creatures and machines….mounts are as integral to such a world as much as the invention of the wheel is. why are you guys so against it? some pve and roleplayers probably would love to immerse themselves in a world that has some basic common sense to it. out of common sense, in a world such as gw2, one might expect at the Very Least, npcs riding on mounts. it isn’t unreasonable to request mounts in such a world.
a compromise, make it purely cosmetic, you have items where you can run around as a little blob or a pig….so what is the big deal if it is a character riding on a creature/machine instead. Everyone is happy, mounts only adds to the realism of the universe. It adds to the immersiveness.
Can this thread die already, There will never be mounts in this game, It would affect to much IE jump puzzles or the actually setting up and defending / attacking forts. Mounts just dont have a place in this game with the way points and the fact that EVERYONE gets a swiftness effect.
No mounts ever please.
LET this thread DIE!!!
I have not yet read a single good reason to be anti mount…
We dont need a reason Anet already said they have no plans and will not implement mounts in this game just drop it, you all sound like school chidlren whinning to your mother casue she wont give you a cookie….. THEY SAID NO deal with it
Ignore the haters, mounts please!
way points cost way to much i would use a mount over way point prices its stupid pay 2.5 silver to go craft then pay 2.5s to go back then pay 2s to go to a event to help people out cause its across the map. those way points are crazy expensive
You can teleport across the entire map at the push of a button or take an Asura gate for the same effect and a little travel to accompany it. I, for one think that mounts is a stupid idea because there is almost -no- need for them. Mounts are just a way for lazy people to reach waypoints and explore/outrun mobs faster.
Not to make sweeping, generalized statements or anything, but that’s pretty much what I got out of your demands for speed increases.
We don’t need stupid mounts.
I’ve not seen a game yet where they have been implemented correctly.
Yes, mounts. Your way points are too few, and too far between. It’s seriously a chore getting from A to B. Mounts AND more way points!
stop with the mounts requests you WoW fiends! This isn’t wow, this isn’t Lotro, this isn’t anything but Gw2 and there is no room for them here….. I heard theres this thing called a Waypoint that gets you to places all over in a instant.. hmmm… Sounds alot more time efficient.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I feel that adding mounts would be great as well you are physically traveling through the world not just teleporting. Teleport skips every thing as a mount would still have to move through the area. Adding them would be for those who want them and those who don’t do not have to buy them as there are way points every were. Personally i don not see the issue with it as it can add to and takes nothing away. To prevent clutter in the main town areas disable them with in so far maybe. They could put a stables every so often out side of some towns to buy sell trade get mount gear and so on. I had said before about mounts and will copy the input here ( I do not see what adding a mount would do to this game would not cost to travel from one place to another would be slower than teleporting. I don’t have any issue with adding them at all. having to were you could fight while mounted would be cool teat the mount as a weapon with a set of attacks or have an option to have it attack or defend like a pet only then mounted. Also have it unlike a pet that will come back after getting killed this would not so that way would keep away from abuse. Only usable out side with enough room can be healed and brought back like a player. Doing it this way would and should keep all balanced. As for flying mounts or flying in general would like to see it and have a few ideas on how could be done with out it being abused. 1) limit it to high level only maybe 50 or 60 area level range. 2) only usable on your self for a short duration and any thing that requires geting to by other means like chest that requires jumping on rocks or some thing such as that if fly used to by pass and make easy the reward would not be there (empty chest). 3) flying creatures and range attacks both would make it hard and level also getting damaged while flying would ground you when down by more than have your total health. 4)flying mounts would work the same as ground but also would have all the flying things imposed on them as well and as the mount is caring a person after it gets close to half would have to land (the damage for person and pet would be split between them half and half so the mount would have less health than the player ). i think if this was done it would keep every thing even)
Players have already found ways at traveling with a permanent speed boost of 30% and the world hasn’t ended. Substituting that method of traveling with a cosmetic one shouldn’t be a problem.
However, mount combat should be considered, as it helps the mount system stand apart from being just another dull mount system.
(edited by Vigilence.4902)
No matter how much you hate WoW, it will not change the fact that mounts have the potential to add so much to the exploring/leveling experience in this game if implemented properly, even at the cost of removing X% of waypoints. Skipping content by teleportation removes alot of the “absorbing the environment” feel when travelling across the world. There’s really nothing that could go wrong if ANet added mounts in a reasonable fashion. It’s ridiculous how many people post here acting like they would go back to Guild Wars 1 if mounts were added. -_-
Flat out, there aren’t enough waypoints. And if one is in contention it can take too long to get where you want to be. Even assuming all of your waypoints are up the walks are too long to do on foot without making the game less fun. A 100% speed boost from a little horsey would make the world content vastly more playable.
And WoW rocks. To the extent that adding mounts—seriously lifestyle improvements—would make Guild Wars 2 “more like WoW” (which is not much extent at all) it would only be an improvement.
I would love to see mounts in GW2! Sure, no flying mounts.
mounts are needed, they can be sold in the cash shop and add lategame rewards wich is the main problem in the game atm, there isnt any argument against mounts.
mounts are needed, they can be sold in the cash shop and add lategame rewards wich is the main problem in the game atm, there isnt any argument against mounts.
The arguement is that we have waypoints, and many professions have speed buffs to match what you would want from a mount. Other than for looks, you have no arguement for mounts. WP costs yes are a bit costly but that can be addressed without mounts. Areanet said no, and there are more than enough wp to get around. I think the people who want mounts just wana run across zones quicker instead of walk to the wp thats 1-2min away.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Make the useless Asura elite skill Combat suit a Racing suit, remove the silly weak abilities and give it speedboosts, the ability to jump and spawn 2 or 3 of them for you and your friends.
Watch golem races
About flying mounts:
Why so hesitant? It is basically underwater combat in the air, and as far as I am concerned the underwater combat mechanics work just fine.
Make a level above the Tyria level and disable flying mounts on the Tyria level thus eliminating the problem of people flying up to Vistas or exploiting it in other ways.
Where can you enter this flying realm? From any of the already existing helicopter pods in the world, mostly Orr.
Fortunately at the moment, with this kind of set up, mounts aren’t needed as the waypoints are so tight.
My point is, I want my racing golem suit.
No mounts, please, ever.
Agreed. do not ever put mounts in the game. soon people will want flying mounts because the ground mounts aren’t fast enough. then this game has become….“that other game that shall not be named…”
I’d like to see mounts. Not a huge speed boost, something simple just to be able to ride, riding is fun, and some professions can keep up swiftness up permanently already, not fair ;)
It’s a bit unimmersive and annoying tbh that I cant tame a creature for me to ride on. What magical power restricts me from doing that? There was a Priory quest where the quest NPC was talking about “Dagnar’s drake mount” and there was a ghost of it, it’s one of those lizard creatures rangers can have.
Running is so slow and waypoints are expensive, but that’s not even my main reason, I’d like to have mounts mostly because they are simply fun way of travel :) Also, I miss on events all the time since I’m not fast enough to get there. I actually miss on content because I’m too slow on feet. I’ve been able to do only few events on zones lately, though I’m not sure if mounts would help since I cant see the events unless I’m standing next to them.
The game is mighty fun already, but I personally wouldnt mind mounts at all, as long as they will stay ground based always. I wont lose my sleep though if I learn that mounts will never be a part of the game.
Mounts should be available in WvW at stables (a point you would have to take and hold). You get a mount and when you dismount the mounts stays where you put it. If you don’t come back for it, someone steals it or it dies you’d have to get another one.
mounts are needed, they can be sold in the cash shop and add lategame rewards wich is the main problem in the game atm, there isnt any argument against mounts.
The arguement is that we have waypoints, and many professions have speed buffs to match what you would want from a mount. Other than for looks, you have no arguement for mounts. WP costs yes are a bit costly but that can be addressed without mounts. Areanet said no, and there are more than enough wp to get around. I think the people who want mounts just wana run across zones quicker instead of walk to the wp thats 1-2min away.
waypoints are boring, mounts are more than a way of travel
The main problem I see with mounts, particularly if they are much faster than running, is that you are going to have players inadvertently kiting mobs all over the map as they rush around. I’ve already started getting annoyed by players running past me with half a dozen critters on their tales, which then decide to attack me instead. (I assume this is done by accident, and is not a tactic by some players to transfer agro to another player?)
(edited by J Allin.7690)
waypoints are boring, mounts are more than a way of travel
Mounts are a waste of developer time that should be spent on actually necessary additions and fixing critical problems with the game. Horses aren’t even around and the closest thing I’ve seen to a ‘mount’ would be how the Asura occasionally have their golems carry them around, and only in the concept art of Zojja and her golem.
Another problem would be how mounts will literally shrink the world. Well, not literally, but devs will have to work harder and harder to create bigger zones, sacrificing the detail that makes Guild Wars 2 the epic game that it is for space/grind time, as WoW did. Previously massive, epic zones will become quick “Press your Autorun and Steer” activities and will drag aggroed mobs across entire zones. It’ll also make exploration, a rewarding and previously fairly challenging activity boring and bland.
Waypoints are a fine way of travel that requires you to actually explore a little. If you don’t want to put effort into Tyria, it’s devs should not put effort into you.
A simple No vote from me.
In a world in which pack animals are used, the Dredge and the Charr use armored transports, and there are apparently helicopters and airships… I’m thinking cosmetic mounts are within reason. I am opposed to them being used in locations that make no sense. For example, the middle of Lion’s Arch seems like a good no-ride, no-fly zone to me. I also think you can’t practically allow them in combat with this system. There are plenty of areas where I think they do make sense though and I would personally support adding them for use in these areas and with those situations. If you add them I propose that they provide a speed boost no greater than 33% and that this not stack with any other speed boost.
This sums up my thoughts quite nicely. A simple selection of low speed buff mounts offered for both in game currency and gems would be fine.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.
I wouldn’t mind mounts being in the game. But given that we have way points as a quick way of getting around it may feel somewhat redundant.
Anyway, I’m all for it even if mounts are just “items” that you collect to show off. They could throw it in the item shop for people who are interested to buy them. For those who aren’t interested, it really shouldn’t affect them in anyway.
I haven’t read the entire thread…
but from a game design perspective it would be idiotic.
the world isn’t made to be traversed by use of mount. it’s to dense. to much water. to much mobs.
and it would take the feeling of being in danger away in some areas. (thinking of Orr, that place is “amazing” because it takes skill to get trough it alone)
the only mount that i would deem acceptable would be centered around social activity. this would be a guild mount that doesn’t move any faster than normal movement speed, but has enough seats for a full party.
it would be hilarious.
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood
Flying mounts would be useful in WvW, those pesky gates always trip me up.