Showing Posts For ConfussledAndy.5384:

Queen's Gauntlet

in Elementalist

Posted by: ConfussledAndy.5384


I’ve been struggling so much with Suriel – I get the whole buff/aoe stuff, but she tends to hit me too much regardless of buff or not. Any tips?

if your going to complain..

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ConfussledAndy.5384


I imagine ANet would agree that a game-crashing bug, which denied their player-base access to the rewards they worked for, is deserving of a complaint-backlash.

As a developer of free iPhone apps myself, you can’t just release free, broken, products and expect to get favourable reviews JUST because it’s “free”…

Only solution to "Disconnection Complaints"

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ConfussledAndy.5384


It would be a nice gesture given the incredible debacle this has become.

I think debacle is a little strong… The event is over now and there are less then 1000 people complaining about having issues. Considering there was probably upwards of 100,000 people doing this event I think it went pretty well overall.

I mean I hope they are able to compensate the people who got DC’d and couldn’t loot their chest, but It seems to be an issue that effected only a relatively small amount of people.

Yes but ~1000 players doing the quest for 2 hours is 2000 lost hours for no reward. True it’s not a pay-monthly game but time is still valuable to most people, especially on Sunday evening before another working week…

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ConfussledAndy.5384


Tend not to “do” these kind of forum posts but the disconnection at the very end (maybe 20 seconds!) was a bit ridiculous – so adding my name to a long list of players who missed their well deserved rewards!