[JDGE] – Gandara
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[JDGE] – Gandara
HA SUCCESS! Didn’t even have to fish for it, easy money. Support me on Patreon I make new videos every never.
[JDGE] – Gandara
@killahmayne: I really like the build in fact, when HoT had just released, I ran something really similar to the stats and gear you have. The marauder and durability armour then zerk and cav trinkets, I think what I got was pretty similar to yours but yours looks a bit better. Having said that though I played it pre-elemental bastion nerf so the healing was a bit better and I could get away with running next to no healing power. Maybe you can still get away with running no healing power on d/d tempest but if I ran it now I’d still probably go for the 300~ points of celestial. I stole this build straight from Elem’s Tempest video but you can see you can achieve pretty similar stats and have the added healing power with cele, and of course if you add the oil you’re using they’re almost exactly the same: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYhcMowhVOwzB8RscCYuf1z6blYCEAWAFlgB4HA-TVCEABYq6yWKBZSpV/qR4ueAtUmA/+DA8AAe4EAQGgitA-w
I think the one thing I’d change about the build (excluding cele cos that’s just preference and it’s a pain to get) is swapping Harmonius Conduit for Invigorating Torrents, because a lot of the time people do just run out of overloads, I mean the added damage is great but the extra cleanse you can get from running IT with Cleansing Water is much more useful in my opinion. I mean you’re already pretty tanky with the food, Hardy Conduit and the dura runes so why not run tonnes of cleanse and make yourself an unkillable machine?
Apart from that one thing though the build is really good, what you wrote kind of inspired me to give Tempest another shot.. maybe :p
[JDGE] – Gandara
3 D/D Ele videos in the same week? HYPE!
Got the clips for this video over the course of a few days, could’ve gotten some better footage if I’d waited but I edited this all together pretty quickly because I was excited about being able to play d/d again.. and it actually feeling like a viable option.
It genuinely feels like it holds it’s own again, and it still isn’t amazing but it makes a nice change to playing S/F all the time (because I still really don’t want to play tempest).
[JDGE] – Gandara
Oh yes i hope for some positive tweaks to arcane and fire …..
Just had an idea for fire. Add 10s swiftness an furry to one with fire ….. Wooot
ah and bring blindig ashes 5 sec back …
Oh yeah those sound good; what I want the most though is off-hand dagger to be revived, pls.
[JDGE] – Gandara
Great one.This made me wanna log in and retry my ele again
Cheers man! Maybe soon we’ll get the changes we need.
[JDGE] – Gandara
Hey guys, I’ve made another video. I realise it’s not been long since the last one and if I’m honest I started off just wanting to edit an intro and before I knew it the full video was done hahah. The fights are all taken from the past week or so, maybe a bit more, and if anything it shows what a genuine roaming experience is like at the moment (instead of recording for like a month and just using the best looking clips). Anyways I really liked editing this one so I hope you like it too!
[JDGE] – Gandara
Hey con! Great vid! Glad to see your still playing ele! I think you should come back to GH now tho
/seven aweburn
Also jay! I still play core d/d ele and do perfectly fine, this is my setup
Oh thanks man, good to see you’re still playing too! Playing s/f now, the d/d dream is dead for me I might come back to GH eventually; in the distant, distant future. :p
[JDGE] – Gandara
so i dont need elite spec to be good:D? do you know if theres any d/d builds that works ? nice vid, maybe i will try gw2 again.. ele is the only reason i would lol
Sadly it’s true, d/d can’t really work anymore without running tempest. Which is why I usually stick to running s/f because it is possible to play s/f and not die immediately without using the elite spec.
[JDGE] – Gandara
entertaining video, but i don’t see you fighting a single condi user. Your build looks great against other power classes, but against a condi mes or a corruption necro i don’t think it’ll work out to well.
Thanks man! There were 2 condi reapers and a condi mes in the video, the 2 condi reapers were at 1:40 and 9:48 and the mes was at 9:35 (but he died too fast to show how the fight plays out). You’re right though fighting condi is more difficult, especially after the nerf to geomancer’s training, it’s a lot less forgiving of a fight but it’s definitely still possible.
[JDGE] – Gandara
Was a nice one.And yes,it aint easy,thou you fought and won,sooo gg
And yeah,tempest doesnt offer much for s/f glassie play style and whole trailine is pretty useless appart of overload mechanic which is unfriendly to atunement swaping anyway.
Btw are you using earth signet trait?saw u using the heal a lot while u still had heals from its passive.I think at least
AH thanks a lot man! I just can’t bring myself to play tempest, I don’t enjoy it at all. Also yeah I do use the signet gm in earth, I’d rather take fire line but it helps me survive a lot better in this meta.
[JDGE] – Gandara
Hey everyone,
I made another video, if anything s/f feels a lot harder to play right now, but it’s what I enjoy the most on ele at the moment (and I still refuse to roam with tempest). All that being said I hope you enjoy the video!
[JDGE] – Gandara
Hey, I thought I’d make a video showcasing how mediocre Elementalist feels at the moment, but the musics decent so enjoy!
[JDGE] – Gandara
you were the Ele which i duelled by the mill?
That was me, I enjoyed dueling you and the other people I dueled.
but one D/D Ele was always solo
Haha, that was me, kept running into you guys!
[JDGE] – Gandara
really nice small scale fights and duells yesterday on Miller BL.
special thanks to the [MM] Elementalist ;-)
You guys kept appearing everywhere! Thanks for the fights!
[JDGE] – Gandara
Had some nice fights against gunnars @ the north gate of SM last night, when I was on my S/D Ele. I must have been particularly annoying last night as apparently a lot of you gunnars wanted to kill me lol/salute to the D/D Ele from the HT guild that gave me some nice fights, finished the night with a nice Duel with a FURY warrior , I don’t normally hang out in EB, normally roaming the borders, was pleasantly surprised by the fights I had so might stick my head in more often.
I already do some regular duelling with gunnars, but will defo visit the windmill area tonight in gunnars borders for some duels, if that’s the official area for it.
I was that ele and yeah those were fun fights!
[JDGE] – Gandara