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Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CornKessler.9047


Game crashed at the end of the Dragons Stand meta-event, wasn’t able to rejoin after logging back in, got nothing. Please fix the crashes.

[PvX][RAGE] Against the Compact Button

in Looking for...

Posted by: CornKessler.9047


Story Time!
My fellow Tyrians, we live in an age of poverty, greed, violence, destruction. Indeed, the very seat of the Human Government, Ascalon City, is now little more than rubble. The Compact Button would have you believe that we can bring order and peace to this situation, to this world even. With dragons at our doorstep and its minions clawing at our walls they speak of peace. How dare they, their hearts have been tainted by the evil that the Compact Button has wrought about them and their loved ones. Their patriotism has been turned into a bid for their own selfish desires. The people of RAGE have seen these atroctities and we say: “No, No more!” Today we stand up for ourselves, today we don’t click the Compact Button, today we use an invisible bag and organize our inventory by hand. The way it was meant to be put in order.

The Invitation!
Hello everyone, I would like to formally invite you to join RAGE. We here at RAGE channel all our RAGE into the battle against the tyrannical Compact Button (We are RAGE Against the Compact Button after all) and we need brothers (and sisters) in the field of battle who would stand with us shoulder-to-shoulder against this growing evil. At RAGE we may be small but we still know how to have fun. We are a casual [PvX] guild that is looking for people who are friendly, chatty (We take silent types as well but we’re just a very chatty bunch), and willing to go outside their comfort zones. (Sometimes we can talk about some strange topics). We have guild missions and our own forums where you can chat about whatever the hell you want. We talk about topics ranging from recent movies and tv shows all the way up to random nsfw stuff. We also have no real guild rules other than be friendly and have a good time. If you would wish to join our little family then please contact these people.


  • Spirit aka Timbo McTimster (TranquilSpirit.6291) = This is the leader of our guild. I’ve never seen someone spend so much time in pvp, he seems to live there whenever he’s online but occasionally he joins us casuals in pve to one-up us by soloing Arah paths. If you’re looking for the ultimate pro gaming experience this guy is most certainly your man.

Second in Command

  • Kittyn aka Kitteez (REDACTED) = She is the reason in our guild. While some of us may get out of control and spiral off into topics that make little to no sense she always reigns us in. She is kindhearted and has recently gotten into dungeons, and with her hubby at her side nothing can stop here!

The Cornmeister! (Officer)

  • Corn aka Cornmeister (CornKessler.9047) = OP, and the silly one of the bunch. I say many random things that sometimes make little to no sense but if you wanna run dungeons, do silverwastes, or just talk about junk then I’m your man.

Grimmz! (Officer)

  • Nai aka Grimmz (Nai.2980) = The pve content doer extraordinaire herself. From chest farms to world bosses, from dungeons to that one time she did Aetherpath nothing is too much of a challenge for the mighty Grimmz!

Note: Please submit requests through mail (if none of us are online) and all applicants will be subject to a short interview to get a feel for ya

Supply Dolyaks bugged ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CornKessler.9047


I would like to say that an easy way to fix this without directly fixing it would be to put a timer of around 5 minutes on the event so that if it does bug out then it’ll quickly reset. Although this issue should still be fixed, but this can be a temporary solution for the time being.